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League of Legends Wiki-ARAM

八卦谈 佚名 2023-09-23 20:43:49


ARAM (or All Random All Mid) is a game mode in League of Legends in a 5v5 format on the 

Howling Abyss with the objective to destroy the opposing team's nexus. It was released on June 29, 2012. Players are given random champions from the available champion pool and are able to trade or reroll their picks.

Before it was introduced, ARAM was originally played in custom games on the Summoner's Rift map focusing only on 5v5 fights with no lane phase or jungling. After a Thunderdome event, the Proving Grounds map was revamped from being solely for tutorials, to a playable custom map. Later, the Howling Abyss replaced Proving Grounds and ARAM was made an official queue (Patch 3.6).

Each side of the 

Howling Abyss has two lane turrets, two patches of brushes, two health relics, one inhibitor, two nexus turrets, a nexus and a shopkeeper. The map was replaced with Butcher's Bridge during Bilgewater events (Burning Tides, Curse of the Drowned).


极地大乱斗ARAM(或All Random All Mid)是英雄联盟中的一种游戏模式,采用5v5模式



每侧嚎叫深渊有两个车道炮塔,两块刷子,两个健康遗迹,一个抑制剂,两个nexus炮塔,一个nexus和一个店主。在Bilgewater事件(燃烧的潮汐,溺水者的诅咒)期间,地图被Butcher's Bridge替换。

本文标题:League of Legends Wiki-ARAM - 八卦谈
