天天动画片 > 八卦谈 > 【天官赐福】第11集分析: 昔情不可谏,来日犹可追(上)

【天官赐福】第11集分析: 昔情不可谏,来日犹可追(上)

八卦谈 佚名 2024-04-16 22:28:24

英文文稿: Cuchallain   

翻译菌: 阿归,平生欢,吾酒   

校对菌: 平生欢,吾酒   

【翻译菌: 为了配合发视频的时间,所以有些地方没有直译~】

So let's start off with Banyue,


the adorable baby who has spent the last 200 years being tortured and murdered time and time again to save the the few lingering souls of her lost culture.

过去两百年里 这个可爱宝宝经历着无休止的折磨 被无数次杀害

只为了拯救已经消逝的故国文明中 仍徘徊在世间的寥寥几个灵魂

Banyue is perhaps one of the most interesting characters of the story so far.


Her life seems almost like a combination of both Hua Cheng and Xie Lian's while being thankfully much shorter..


不过 幸好 她受苦的时间要比他们短得多

Like Hua Cheng, she was born into a terrible situation,

和花城一样 半月出身微寒 饱受欺凌

abandoned by her father, orphaned at a young age and was abused by those around her for pretty much no reason.

幼年时 就被父亲遗弃 变成孤儿 被周围的人无故虐待

Then she met General Hua and found someone

后来 她遇到了花将军

who similarly had next to nothing, yet managed to find joy in the little things and stay innocent and kind, even in the midst of a war.

身无一物 他却能从微薄小事中找到快乐 身处战争的旋涡 却依旧纯洁而善良

Like Xie Lian, she went through even more pain as her main source of happiness was lost in a way that she blamed herself for,

就像谢怜 半月失去了幸福 还将责任归咎于自己 这使她感到加倍痛苦

and she made some hard choices that she thought were for the greater good.

为了拯救更多的人 她做出了艰难的决定

In her grief, she believed that the best option was to end the war as quickly as possible

尽管内心万分悲痛 她仍相信尽快结束战争是最好的选择

and the easiest way to do that, was to become the imperial preceptor of Banyue and destroy it from within, along with Pei Xiu in the Yong'An army.

而最简单的办法就是成为半月国师 与永安军中的裴宿一起 从内部瓦解半月国

She never held the contempt for Banyue that Pei Xiu did,despite her rough treatment at their hands,

尽管半月人对她并不好 但她从未像裴宿那样仇恨他们

yet she truly believed that them losing would be a solution to the issues at the border.

她只是真心相信: 也许输掉战争就能解决边境的纷争

What she could never have predicted was that pushing them to the point of breaking would have the opposite effect.

她未曾预料: 当他们被逼急了 结果适得其反

The people of Banyue were a stubborn and devout people.

半月人顽固执拗 不撞南墙不回头

When they saw that they were likely going to lose, they didn't simply lay down their weapons and chose to let go of their past and survive as a subjugated people,

预感自己会输后 他们并没有缴械投降 忘记过去 作为亡国之民生存下去

but rather chose to take as many of the people of Yong'An with them as they could, acting as suicide bombers and performing a kamikaze attack on their enemies.

而是选择拉尽可能多的永安人垫背 充当自杀式人肉炸弹 和仇人同归于尽

I dont say that as if I'm judging their actions either.

我这么说 并不是在指责他们的做法

On both sides these soldiers were fine with killing innocent civilians and who knows that other atrocities off the battlefield.


谁知道战场外 他们还犯下过何等暴行?

They were truly pushed to the breaking point and decided they'd atleast rather take their enemies down with them, lest they receive a treatment they would consider worse than death.

当情势千钧一发 濒临崩溃的时候

他们决定 至少拉上仇敌同归于尽 也不愿苟活下去 生不如死

While Banyue had been able to rationalize her betrayal and murder of the soldiers of Banyue, it broke her that she couldn't save the common people:

虽然半月有足够的理由背叛半月国 使士兵惨遭屠戮


the one thing that her beloved General Hua had laid down his life for.

因为她爱的花将军 正是为了拯救无辜而舍命护住了她

Hence, as her and Pei Xiu's plan came together, she performed one last magic spell of her own.

因此 当一切按计划顺利进行后 半月对自己施展了最后的法术

She became the object of all of Banyue's resentment,


not only throwing open the gates to the city but also absorbing as much of the pain and suffering as she could to allow as many people to pass on peacefully as possible

她不仅打开城门 还尽力吸收饱含痛楚的怨气 让尽可能多的人安详离世

while becoming an undying wrath that would serve as the object of the ghost soldiers' vengeance for centuries.

这也让她成为了不老不死的"凶" 成为了厉鬼士兵们两百年来的复仇对象

While she had no clue that her general Hua was in actual fact the immortal god of plagues, Xie Lian,


she ended up serving as his perfect successor,


using her immortal body and centuries of suffering to someday correct the pain she felt she had caused.

不死的身躯经历漫长的折磨 只为抚平那些由她造成的苦痛和伤痕

Then there's the conniving weasel: Pei Xiu.

还有那个狡猾的"黄鼠狼": 裴宿

By his own words, Banyue was his subordinate in the whole tragedy.

据他所说 整个悲剧事件中 半月一直是他的下属

It was he, so filled with hate for the people of Banyue that he shared a border with, that came up with the plan to destroy them from within.

是他 出于对邻国半月的一腔仇恨 想出了从内部攻破城池的计划

He, who simply wanted to use his sweet and innocent childhood friend to further his military career and someday lead the army as a general.

他 利用了天真善良的儿时玩伴 一切都是为了在军队中得以升迁 有朝一日成为将军

He never believed in the words of General Hua, he never believed in the words of his superiors that they were doing this to bring peace to the region.

他从未认可过花将军的教导 更不相信他上级的鬼话: "战争会为这个地方带来和平"

He only ever wanted to kill every citizen of the Banyue kingdom and be hailed as a hero for it.

他只想杀掉所有半月人 建功立业

That's what Ke Mo believes... and its also what Pei Xiu himself tells Xie Lian and especially the Windmaster...

以上就是刻磨的想法... 裴宿自己也供认不讳 在谢怜和风师面前承认了一切...

yet its not quite that simple either.


Pei Xiu is racist to the people of Banyue, this is a simple fact.

裴宿痛恨半月人 这是不争的事实

This is shown first in his unyielding belief that the war will only end when they lose it, second in his contempt and arrogance towards Ke Mo, suggesting that his country would have fallen, even without Banyue's help, and third in the flashback to his childhood at the border.

首先 他坚信: 除非半月国战败 战争必将永无休止

其次 他藐视刻磨 不屑地表示: 即使没有半月帮忙 这个国家仍会没落

最后 就是他曾在边境生活的童年回忆

When he finds Banyue beaten and abused, he doesn't even ask about the source of her injuries, instead simply stating as fact that it was the children of Banyue who had hurt her.

当裴宿看到半月受欺负时 第一反应不是问谁干的

而是直接下定论: 又是那些半月孩子欺负人

When seen from Banyue's perspective, we discover that those who attacked her this particular time had hardly been any larger than her and with pale skin.

但那些欺凌者其实也不比她大多少 体格并不魁梧 肤色也相对白皙

It was the children of Yong'An, who as it turns out are equally as cruel as those from Banyue 

所以 那些孩子是永安人 

他们和半月人一样残忍 并无分别

towards the weak orphan girl with no home.

对一个无家可归的弱小孤儿 拳脚相加

Pei Xiu doesn't even consider this an option though,


swearing that he will someday get rid of all the people of Banyue from the border, 

他发誓 将来某天一定要将所有半月人赶出边境 

even as Banyue points out that she is also a person of Banyue.

即使半月提醒他 自己也是半月人

It's important to note where this hatred came from too.

弄清楚他的这种仇恨从何而来 十分重要

When he was just a tiny child, we see scenes of his poor and helpless family attacked by bandits, allowed to thrive by the Banyue soldiers.

当他还只是个瘦小孩童时 他的家人贫穷又无助

因为半月军队的放任不管 遭遇土匪抢劫

We don't know whether they lived or died, but we know that Pei Xiu never got over the trauma of these men preying on his already poor and desperate family. 

我们不知道他们被抢后是死是活 但显然裴宿从未从家人被暴徒抢掠的阴影中走出来

When he entered the army, this hatred only became stronger, the path to rising in the ranks being murdering those of Banyue blood.

他参军后 仇恨变得越发强烈 他踏着半月人的鲜血杀出了一条晋升之路

His allies all praise him for his huge body count and skill,

与他一起战斗的士兵崇拜他的高大威猛 武艺高超

yet he is pushed harder to kill more and prove himself further,

为了证明自己 他却不得不杀更多的人

simply because he has no accomplished family that the other soldiers want to impress or become close to.

只因他没有显赫的出身 无法与其他军官们拉近关系

Interestingly, had he been born in Banyue, Pei Xiu would have risen through the ranks swiftly, much like Ke Mo and Banyue herself.

有趣的是: 如果裴宿出生在半月 

在半月军中 他也许能像刻磨和半月那样平步青云

Neither of them were held back by their humble beginnings and rose to lofty positions based on their skill and effort alone.

他们都没有受累于卑微的出身 凭借自己的能力和努力跻身上位

Despite this, Pei Xiu is unflinching in his belief that he can rise through the ranks of Yong'An soldiers and drive away the people of Banyue.

尽管如此 裴宿仍坚信他可以在永安军中出人头地 赶走所有半月人

Pei Xiu does his best to tell everyone that the entire plan was his idea, and Banyue was only following his orders, yet we know this isn't true, since she was able to question him and discuss the plans.

裴宿试图说服所有人相信: 一切都是他的主意 半月只是听令行事

但我们清楚事实并非如此 半月也是参与制定计划的一员

Despite him sounding emotionless most of the time, it is only when he is angry at Ke Mo or defending Banyue that he lets this uncaring facade slip.


但在他对刻磨发怒 维护半月时 我们终于窥见他无情伪装下流露出的一丝情感

One moment that really made me intrigued is when he and Banyue were still children and he first met General Hua.

有一幕引起了我的兴趣: 在他和半月尚且年幼时 他第一次遇到花将军

Right after helping Banyue, it was general Hua rather than him that managed to bring her out of her depression and back into a smiling child with her whole life ahead of her.

是裴宿先对半月伸出了援助之手 但让她不再难过 重露笑颜的 却是花将军

Pei Xiu stared up at this man Banyue had called out to as general, and didn't even see his face, only recognizing the armour and helmet.

裴宿看着这个男人 半月称他为"将军" 只见他披甲戴盔 面容却隐匿在阴影中

It's likely that even at this young age, not knowing why he felt that way, he decided that he wanted to be the one who could someday free Banyue and make her smile.


但已暗自决定: 终有一天 他要成为那个让半月得到自由 绽放笑颜的人

He latched onto this idea of becoming a general, winning the war for Yong'An and being seen as a hero.

他立志要成为一位将军 一位英雄 为永安赢下这场硬仗

Yet for all the work he put in and the tricks he tried, his actions only brought Banyue even more suffering and pain.

然而 最终 他所做的一切只为半月带来更多痛苦

For 200 years after, he tried to solve the problem his own way: learning to control scorpion snakes, creating an avatar of himself to lead mortals to Banyue and doing his best to keep it all under wraps.

此后两百年间 他试图用自己的方式解决问题: 学习控制蝎尾蛇

制造分身引过路凡人至半月关 竭尽所能 掩盖一切

He was hoping still to be the one who someday freed Banyue from her suffering, yet he never once considered giving up his new found military rank or immortality to do so.

裴宿依然希望 有一天能救半月脱离苦海 但他从未想过为此放弃自己的军功和神位

He allowed her to go through 200 years of suffering as a wrath, rather than admit to his crimes and stay alongside her as a rankless mortal or save her when he first became a god.

他目睹半月成为"凶"经受两百年的痛苦折磨 却不愿承认自己的罪过

不愿当一个藉藉无名的凡人守在她身边 或者放弃飞升去救她

So, he isn't the best person... but he's also not a terrible person either.

所以 他不是个圣人… 却也并非大奸大恶

Pei Xiu is another one of those characters with proper depth to him.


He clearly cares for Banyue and at this point is doing his best to take the entire share of the blame for the massacre and bloodshed from the past.

他显然很在乎半月 将一切罪过都揽在自己身上

Still, he did use Banyue's pain at losing general Hua against her,

然而 他也利用了半月失去花将军的痛苦

twisting his longing for a world without war, into a fast end to the war that involved more bloodshed and underhanded tactics to his gain.


Whether Pei Xiu deserves redemption or even a chance at it is up to the gods, and I don't pity them having to make that decision.

裴宿是否能得到救赎取决于天庭的神官们 他们必须做出决定 而我对此一点也不同情

I'm even more interested in how Pei Ming will react to the story too, since it does slightly echo his own.

我更好奇的是裴茗对此事的反应 因为裴宿这事跟他自己的过往有点相互呼应的意思

Xuan Ji had offered him military intelligence to destroy her own people and he found this despicable and refused to accept it.

宣姬出卖自己的国家 主动送上军事情报 让他攻城掠地 裴茗认为: 这很卑鄙 拒绝接受

Pei Xiu on the other hand, convinced Banyue to give him intelligence


and then even assured her that throwing open the gates for Yong'An was the only way to avoid more bloodshed.

甚至保证: 为永安军打开城门才是避免更多杀戮的唯一办法

Will Pei Ming end up as disgusted with Pei Xiu and Banyue as he was with Xuan Ji?

裴茗会像厌恶宣姬那样 厌恶裴宿和半月吗?

And what would such a proud god do to someone who besmirched his name so deeply?

而像他这样高傲的神官 会怎么处理一个败坏自己声誉的人呢?

The next arc should be very telling for how deeply corrupted the heavenly realm truly is, and what the rest of the series has in store for us viewers.

下一个副本应该会讲天庭究竟有多么腐败 向观众揭示这个故事未来的走向

We'll come back to the corrupted Heavenly Realm in a bit, but first we need to discuss the other character

我们一会儿再讨论腐朽的天界 先来看看另一个人物

who got a lot of development through this arc,


while being too tsundere to even stick around for the end.

但他实在太过傲娇 甚至没坚持到最后一刻就提前退场

That's right, I'm talking the cat-boy who is so hot-blooded, his blood literally ignites: Fu Yao!

没错 我说的就是那只热血小猫咪: 扶摇   他的血真的在燃烧!

I've made it no secret that I fully believe Fu Yao and Nan Feng are in fact the gods and past best friends of Xie Lian: Mu Qing and Feng Xin, respectively.

我曾断言: 扶摇和南风绝对就是慕情和风信两位神官 他们也是谢怜的昔日好友

In this week's episode it was essentially spellt out for us with how Fu Yao reacted to Banyue and Pei Xiu's story...

动画第11集基本证实了这个猜测 扶摇对半月和裴宿的过去反应强烈

but even more than that as Nan Feng was so scared of Xie Lian's cooking that he literally said there was an emergency in "his palace."

谢怜准备下厨时 南风吓了一跳 脱口而出: "我的殿里"有事

【翻译菌:中文原句是"殿里有事" 英文翻译却是"my palace"】

Not the palace of his general. Not Feng Xin's palace.

不是我将军的宫殿 也不是风信的宫殿

He literally said there's an emergency in my palace, forgetting all about his disguise,

风信一时失言 "(我的) 殿里有事" 全然忘记了他的伪装

because he couldn't handle the idea of transmigrating due to poisonous food.

因为对殿下黑暗料理的恐惧 冲昏了他的头脑

But it isn't the big old pupper we need to discuss, but the long haired kitten.

但我们现在要谈的不是大狗狗 而是这只长发小猫咪

Throughout this arc, Fu Yao has been more of a pain in everyone's neck than an actual help.

在半月篇中 扶摇大多时候添乱多于帮忙

He continuously wasted mana by picking fights with San Lang, continuously belittled Xie Lian for his scrap-collecting and sweet nature,

他不断浪费法力与三郎斗殴 对谢怜以拾荒为生和他善良的天性 冷嘲热讽

and even wrongfully arrested Banyue along with Ke Mo before letting her explain her situation.

甚至不听半月的解释 直接将她和刻磨捆了起来

Hua Cheng made sure that Xie Lian was always safe, but Fu Yao was always one step behind,

花城将谢怜的安全放在第一位 扶摇却总是落后一步

trying to do the same, but in his own tsundere "it's not like I want to help you" kind of way.

他也想保护殿下 表现出来的却是教科书式的傲娇"我才不想帮你呢"

He was only fighting San Lang because he was so sure he was a ghost king out to hurt Xie Lian, only belittled Xie Lian to put up barriers around his own heart,

扶摇针对三郎 是因为他确信对方就是鬼王 会伤害谢怜

嘲讽谢怜 是为了掩饰他内心深处的真实情感

and only arrested Banyue because he was sure that Xie Lian's softness was being used against him.

逮捕半月 也是因为他觉得殿下过于心软 容易被他人利用

At the end of the episode when the windmaster and lady in black show up to arrest Pei Xiu and Ke Mo,

在本集结尾 风师和黑衣女子出现带走了裴宿和刻磨

Fu Yao has been so completely defeated that he simply disappears when no-one is looking;

扶摇发现自己所有的推论都错了 于是趁着没人注意时 悄然离开

Clearly too embarrassed to have another fight with San Lang or even continue insulting Nan Feng.

显然 他尴尬到无法再与三郎作对 或继续和南风斗嘴

It's not hard to see why this arc affected Fu Yao or Mu Qing so deeply.


We don't know a ton about Mu Qing's past other than 


a few short mentions from Xie Lian, Ling Wen, Nan Feng and San Lang.

谢怜、灵文、南风和三郎的寥寥数语 透露的信息有限:

What we do know is that he, Xie Lian and Feng Xin all used to be close as heavenly officials.


When Xie Lian was ascended to the upper court of the Heavenly Realm he also ascended the both of them as middle-court officials - the same level as Pei Xiu.

谢怜飞升至上天庭后 将两人点将至中天庭 —— 与裴宿同级

This was even more notable as it's pointed out that Mu Qing was just a servant before Xie Lian saw potential in him.

更值得注意的是 在谢怜看中慕情的天资之前 他只是一个杂役

Had Xie Lian not seen his true potential as a martial god, Mu Qing would have likely lived and died without any notable achievements, despite being worthy of his own place in the heavens.


那无论生前死后 慕情可能永远都是一个藉藉无名之徒


Like Pei Xiu, it was simply being born to a lower class family that separated him from his rightful place

就像裴宿 卑微的出身能毁掉一切

and even now Feng Xin likes to remind him of how much he owes to Xie Lian,

即使过了这么久 风信还喜欢提醒他欠谢怜的恩情

while San Lang continues to press his buttons, accusing him of just trying to get in the way and really being nothing more than the broom boy.

而三郎一直在戳他的痛处 指责他的碍事和指手画脚 其实不过是个扫地的杂役

It's also mentioned through subtext that Mu Qing "bit the hand that fed him" suggesting that his separation from Xie Lian after he descended wasn't as simple as just walking away.

也有些台词暗示慕情 "忘恩负义" 在谢怜被贬后 慕情的离开似乎并不简单

There must have been some real animosity between the two, that Mu Qing regrets and wants to apologize for,

两人之间肯定发生过严重龃龉  慕情对此十分后悔 想要道歉

but is even more surprised to find that Xie Lian either doesn't remember or isn't bothered by.

然而 他却震惊地发现: 谢怜已经不记得 或是不介意这事了

To turn on Xie Lian like that must have been incredibly hard for him.

离开谢怜 对于扶摇来说 一定非常艰难

It's an action that has haunted him ever since, that other gods all sneer at, while he clearly beats himself up for it harder than anyone else ever could.

这件事一直困扰着他: 其他神官都在嘲笑这场"好戏" 但更令人痛苦的是自己内心的折磨

The action ruined his relationship not only with Xie Lian, but also Feng Xin who can't quite forgive him,

它不仅毁掉了他与谢怜之间的情谊 还使风信一直无法原谅慕情

and all the other gods who never came to see him as worthy of being in their lofty presence anyway.

其他神官们自诩高洁 总是对他嗤之以鼻

Despite going on to ascend in his own right and become a god who passed a Heavenly trial, he is still berrated by these so-called gods who love to gossip and flaunt their status.

尽管他凭借自身努力 渡劫飞升至上天庭 

爱说闲话的所谓"神官" 依旧少不了 他们喜欢在他背后指指点点 窃窃私语

It's no surprise that despite being so desperate to pay Xie Lian back

这也就解释了为什么 在谢怜第三次飞升后

and take care of him now that he's ascended again,


Mu Qing can't bear to face him in his real form and has to instead use the disguise of Fu Yao.

但他还是做不到坦诚直言 只能化身为"扶摇"

First, he's scared that the other gods would hear about it and never let him live down his return to serving the master he once betrayed.

首先 他害怕其他神官知道后 不许他回去追随背叛过的主人

Second, he's worried that his followers would hear of it.

其次 他担心信徒们会听闻此事

If they had prayed to this martial god who came from nothing to be a god in his own right, how could they possibly keep venerating him if he seemed to return to being the servant of the scrap-collecting god of plagues?

他们祈祷的对象 是凭借自身天资和努力飞升的武神

若是他变回了破烂神 (瘟神) 的侍从 信徒们怎么可能继续供奉他呢?

Third and most importantly... he's terrified of actually having to talk to Xie Lian; god to god; man to man.

其三 也是最重要一点: 他害怕面对谢怜 害怕以真实身份面对他 开诚布公地谈话

Insulting him in quick bursts then leaving is fine.

冷嘲热讽后 径直离开 就容易多了

If anything, he likely expected Xie Lian to snap back at him the way that Hua Cheng and Feng Xin do.


Instead he's found his old taizi dianxia is a broken shell of who he once was.

然而 他发现: 面前的人不再是曾经的太子殿下了

Technically having forgiven all his past grudges, but only because he has also repressed so much of the pain in his life to go on living for 800 years.

他原谅了过去所有的恩怨纠缠 但这只是因为漫长的800年中 他不得不压抑心中苦痛  继续前行

Mu Qing has done something similar to protect himself, in telling himself that it isn't his fault, but rather the world's.

慕情也曾做过类似的事保护自己 自欺欺人道: 错的不是他 而是这个世界

He was born as a child with nothing 

他从小一贫如洗 以侍奉他人为生 

who had to serve others and work far harder than everyone else just to get by.

为了生存 他必须比别人更加努力

Xie Lian was born in the exact opposite state,


a crown prince blessed with strength, wealth and fortune.

他生来就是太子殿下 集权力、财富和气运于一身

Xie Lian's fall from grace came about at his own hands.

结果 却从云端跌落到了泥里

He descended from heaven to save the people of Xian Le, thinking that he could save everyone because his life had been so easy.

他离开天庭 以为自己下凡可以救仙乐万民于水火 


Watching someone who was so blessed and so good throw it all away and fall to such a pitiful state taught Mu Qing to harden himself against such actions.

目睹一个天之骄子孤注一掷 却沦落到如此悲惨的境地 

慕情下定决心: 绝不能重蹈覆辙

That no matter how hard he worked or how powerful he became there was always the possibility that it would all come crashing down, especially if he cared too much or relied on others.

如果过于依赖他人 那么无论付出多少努力 取得怎样的成就

都可能如镜花水月 皆为虚幻

In the middle of the Banyue arc, Mu Qing belittles the story of General Hua.

在半月篇中 慕情嘲讽了花将军的故事

He hears of a soldier refusing to kill civilians and thus losing his rank and his only assumption is that his subordinates must have killed him.

听说一个士兵因不愿杀害平民而被降级 慕情的第一反应是: 他一定会被自己人杀死

This is a direct link between his own story of fighting with Xie Lian and rising over him.

这个故事与他的过去有直接联系: 慕情也曾与谢怜不和 最终踩着他爬得更高

He states that in a war, you do what you have to for survival.

他指出: 在战场上 为了生存 你别无选择

The problem is that so many soldiers who go to war never manage to recover from that mindset.

问题在于: 大多参战士兵永远无法摆脱这种心理阴影

They come back unable to let down their defenses, terrified that there's always an ambush in wait, moving from mission to mission while their past trauma still guides their actions.

从战场上回来后 也无法放下戒备 总是疑神疑鬼 草木皆兵


Mu Qing is the same way. He can't trust other people and he can't move on from the time he had to hurt Xie Lian for his own survival.

慕情也是这样 他无法相信他人 忘不掉曾经为了保全自身而伤害谢怜的事实

He clearly desperately wants to, as he's doing everything he can to support Xie Lian, even staying in the communication array 24/7 from the time he re-ascended to keep an eye on him.

他显然极力想弥补 尽其所能支持谢怜

自太子殿下第三次飞升后 慕情甚至7天24小时潜伏在通灵阵里 密切关注着他

Hell, his name even means one who yearns for affection!

就连"慕情"这个名字都显示出 他有多么渴望情感羁绊!

At first he likely did this fearing that his old master had some sort of revenge in mind.


By the end of the Banyue arc however he has realized how foolish he has been.

然而 到半月篇结束时 他已经意识到自己有多么愚蠢

Pei Xiu's story of spending 200 years hiding his past sins that he committed during a war and refusing to admit to the devestation they caused obviously hit him hard

裴宿两百年来一直在掩盖曾经在战争中犯下的罪行 拒绝承担代价 这显然使慕情有所触动

because it reflects his own mentality of being so desperate to hold onto his rank and the respect that he built up.

他和裴宿一样 十分看重自己拼搏而来的地位和名望

Not only that but he assumed the guilt of Banyue, simply because of rumors and his own view of the world which almost got him pointlessly killed.

慕情一心认为半月有罪 不光是因为谣言 更源自于他自己的世界观 

之后 他差点为了自己的愚蠢付出生命的代价

One of the most powerful scenes of this in the episode is when scorpion snakes are raining down on Fu Yao and he is fighting for his life.

最有冲击力的一幕是 蝎尾蛇雨从天而降 扶摇浴血奋战

He tells Xie Lian to get away from San Lang because he's a ghost king, yet Xie Lian refuses, telling him he's staying with San Lang because their side is safe and snake free.

他让谢怜离开三郎 因为对方是鬼王 但谢怜拒绝道: 站三郎身边就没有蛇来咬

This scene is played off as a joke for Xie Lian and Hua Cheng,

对于谢怜和花城来说 这只是一句戏言

but for Fu Yao this is him almost dying while the person he came to the mortal realm to save simply watches on, standing beside a ghost king rather than joining him.

但对于扶摇来说 在他生死一线的时刻 他下凡想帮助的人却没有出手 而是在鬼王身边冷眼旁观

Had Fu Yao accepted that Hua Cheng could help them, he could have received his protection, yet he refused and almost lost his life pointlessly.

如果扶摇向花城求助 他本可以得到庇护 但他却没有这么做 差点毫无意义地送死

He wasn't protecting Xie Lian, he wasn't doing something for his followers,

他不是在保护谢怜 也不是在庇护信徒

he was simply throwing his life away despite how hard he'd fought to get where he was.

扶摇历经拼搏才取得如今的地位 却差点白白送命

This, followed by the revelation that he was wrong about Banyue and all of Pei Xiu's story must have resonated with his own life.

这次的打击 再加上之后真相浮出 证实: 是他错了


Like Pei Xiu, he had to work harder than anyone to get ahead,

和裴宿一样 他必须比一般人更努力

harden his heart to the world to overcome pain, and refused to ever fully accept responsibility and atone for his mistakes.

用冷硬心肠战胜苦痛 拒绝承担责任 为自己的错误赎罪

Fu Yao isn't able to admit it yet, but in Pei Xiu he has seen a grim warning of how pointless it might prove to try and atone to Xie Lian without actually letting his barriers down.

目前的扶摇还无法承认这点 但从裴宿身上 他已经看到了可怕的警示: 

若依旧故作高傲 心有藩篱 无论如何弥补谢怜也是毫无意义的

Even more so since Xie Lian was right to trust both San Lang and Banyue and solved the mystery,

更何况事实证明谢怜是正确的 他对三郎和半月的信任没有错付 事件也圆满解决了

whereas he would have dragged away the poor orphan child who was actually atoning for her part in the crime.

慕情错了 他想要带走的可怜孤儿其实一心赎罪

He disappeared because he realized he has a lot of self reflection and actualization to do if he ever wants end his heart's ceaseless yearning for affection and find his place not just among the Heavenly Officials but also his old friends.

扶摇默然离开 是因为他意识到:

如果他真的“慕情”(渴慕友情)不想失去神官的地位 更不想失去昔年友人 

就必须反省己身 为之做出改变

本文标题:【天官赐福】第11集分析: 昔情不可谏,来日犹可追(上) - 八卦谈
