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Seeing Things 1

八卦谈 佚名 2023-07-09 12:15:12

Seeing Things


Ø  1993年莫里森获诺贝尔文学奖,瑞典文学院给她的评价是:"在小说中以丰富的想象力和富有诗意的表达方式使美国现实的一个极其重要方面充满活力"。

Ø  《观察家》报:"当她开口讲话,整个美国都洗耳恭听。"

Ø  瑞典文学院常务秘书斯图尔·埃伦:"莫里森"在小说中以丰富的想象力和富有诗意的表达方式使美国现实的一个极其重要的方面充满活力"。

Ø  莫里森的作品充满魔幻现实主义的神秘因素。《所罗门之歌》之歌中,派特拉平坦、没有肚脐眼的腹部;戴德一世的鬼魂;奶娃与神话小说中寻宝人经历相似的自我发现之旅;取材于黑奴传说的"飞回非洲的黑人";《柏油娃》中来自非洲的"柏油夫人"这些超现实因素及黑人传说和神话,为莫里森的小说蒙上了一层神秘和魔幻色彩。莫里森的语言吸取了黑人口头文学的传统,看似简单却幽默,机智。那是经过精雕细琢之后又不留痕迹的文学语言。她的作品还随处可见色彩和音乐的意想,语言的美感更是得到了加强。

Ø  在《最蓝的眼睛》中,黑人小女孩佩科拉最希望拥有的就是一双白人的蓝色眼睛,她最后在发疯中实现了这个愿望;所以,对莫里森来说,重要的不是将白人树为黑人的对立面,用外在抗争的形式展现种族对正义、平等的渴望,而是转向内在,自曝其丑,自审黑人意识最深处那些不易察觉的自我矮化、顺从、憎恶、撕裂。毕竟,我们更容易做到前者,因为在其上方飘荡着显而易见的悲壮感与崇高感,却往往怯于拉开自己黑色的胸口,带着点黑色幽默的自嘲声,看看里面心脏那丑陋的形状。

Ø  关键句 第二段第一句


Toni Morrison’s [1]profound and unrelenting vision.


Before closing the book on that town and those people, the author has us pause for a few final images and thoughts(意象和心理活动) framed by regret, shame, and horror. The book? Toni Morrison’ s début(处女作) novel, “The Bluest Eye[2],” which turns fifty this year. As the story ends, one of its protagonists(主角), the blighted(饱受折磨的) Pecola Breedlove, has been more or less abandoned by the townspeople, who have treated her with scorn for most of her life; now she’s left to wander the streets in madness:



[1]【扩充资料】托妮·莫里森(Toni Morrison)美国著名女作家。1931年生于俄亥俄州,曾在兰登书屋担任高级编辑,后赴普林斯顿大学等校任教。代表作有《最蓝的眼睛》《所罗门之歌》《宠儿》《爵士乐》《爱》《恩惠》等,曾获普利策小说奖、美国书评家协会奖、美国国家图书奖等多项大奖。1993年,荣获诺贝尔文学奖。莫里森这些作品均以美国的黑人生活为主要内容,笔触细腻,人物、语言及故事情节生动逼真,想象力丰富。



The damage done was total. She spent her days, her tendril sap-green(青春年华) days, walking up and down, up and down, her head jerking to(前倾) the beat of a drummer so distant only she could hear(想听见却不能,因为是她的幻想). Elbows bent, hands on her shoulders, she flailed (挥动)her arms like a bird in an eternal, grotesquely futile(徒劳) effort to fly. Beating the air, a winged but grounded(折翼) bird, intent on(向往) the blue void(天空) it could not reach—could not even see—but which filled the valley of the mind(填满了心房).



[1]【扩充资料】威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner 1897年9月25日-1962年7月6日),美国文学史上最具影响力的作家之一,意识流文学在美国的代表人物,1949年诺贝尔文学奖得主,获奖原因为"因为他对当代美国小说做出了强有力的和艺术上无与伦比的贡献"。世系中共600多个有名有姓的人物在各个长篇、短篇小说中穿插交替出现。


[1]【扩充资料】弗兰纳里•奥康纳(Flannery O'Connor)(1925-1964),是与麦卡勒斯齐名的美国天才女作家,被誉为“南方的文学先知”。她39岁时死于红斑狼疮,美国评论界称她的早逝是“自斯科特•菲茨杰拉尔德去世以来美国文坛最重大的损失”。奥康纳风格怪诞,独树一帜。她擅长描写南方乡村人物生活,对人性阴暗有着惊人的洞察,故事诡谲、恐怖、阴郁到令人窒息,语言精准有力,在看似轻松幽默中抵达不测之深。


[1]【扩充资料】赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯(Herbert George Wells,1866-1946),又译作赫伯特·乔治·韦尔斯,英国著名小说家,新闻记者、政治家、社会学家和历史学家。他创作的科幻小说对该领域影响深远,如"时间旅行"、"外星人入侵"、"反乌托邦"等都是20世纪科幻小说中的主流话题。



Spectacular even alongside(相当于very different from other early novels bathed in the blood of(大量而恐惧) gothic dread—William Faulkner’s “As I Lay Dying”[3] (1930), say, or Flannery O’Connor’s “Wise Blood”[4] or Ralph Ellison’s “Invisible Man”[5] (both published in 1952)—Morrison’s book cut a new path through the American literary landscape(传统) by placing young black girls at the center of the story(都是哥特小说但主要人物不同,故另辟蹊径). Like all the principal characters(主要人物)in “The Bluest Eye,” Pecola lives in Lorain, Ohio, where Morrison, who died last August, was born in 1931. When we meet Pecola, she is eleven years old but already ancient with sorrow(长期沉浸在痛苦之中). Her [only] escape [from the emotional abuse] (that her family and her classmates heap on her) is to dream. And the dream is this: that someone—God, perhaps—will grant her the gift of blue eyes. The kind of blue eyes Pecola has seen in pictures of the movie star Shirley Temple[6] the kind of blue eyes (that she imagines) lighting up the face (of the girl) [on the wrapper of her favorite candies], [Mary Janes]. Pecola feels, or the world has made her feel(被强迫), that if she had blue eyes she would, at last, be free—free from her unforgivable blackness, from what her community labeled ugliness long before she could look in a mirror and determine for herself who and what (身份和地位)she was. Not that she ever looks in a mirror(在她有自己的个人意识之前). She knows what she’d find there: judgment(别人的评判) of her blackness, her femaleness, the deforming(丑陋) language that has distorted the reflection(镜中倒影的表情) of her face.



【扩充资料】秀兰·邓波儿(Shirley Temple,1928年4月23日—2014年2月10日)出生于美国加利福尼亚州的圣莫尼卡。电影演员,美国著名童星。

[1]扩充资料】《最蓝的眼睛》中具有反抗精神的黑人女性的名字。除主人公外具有反抗精神的黑人女性: 克劳迪娅·麦克蒂尔,小说部分的叙述者。克劳迪娅是一个独立而有坚强思想的九岁孩子,是反对成人对儿童的暴政和反对黑人社区白人美容标准理想化的斗士和反叛者。她还没有学会困扰同龄人的自我憎恨。


Eventually, Pecola does acquire, or believes she acquires, blue eyes. But in those harrowing final images, Claudia MacTeer[7], Morrison’s spirited nine-year-old narrator, sees what Pecola cannot(看到了她看不到的,看见了事物的背后), what her madness, the result of all that rejection(同位语,全社会对她的排斥), looks like to the rest of the town: “Grown people looked away(不屑一顾); children, those who were not frightened by her, laughed outright.” In this short, intellectually expansive(知识面广), emotionally questioning(拷问心灵), and spiritually knowing(洞察精神) book, the act of looking—and seeing—is described again and again. One example of many: Peering through a window in their family home, Claudia and her older sister, Frieda[8], catch a first glimpse of sex. A beloved boarder(讨人喜爱的房客) is consorting with a notorious prostitute. What can it mean, him sucking on that woman’s fingers? Is that love? Or is it what a man does to, and not with, a female? (单方面/互动)Another example: When Pecola goes to buy some of her treasured Mary Janes, the white shopkeeper sees her but can’t fix his attention on her; nothing in his experience has prepared him to recognize a little black girl as an entity(存在). Despite all this looking(眼神), few people, aside from Claudia, bear witness to much(证明). To do so would be to think critically about the society that formed them and be moved to effect change. Instead, there’s a great deal of condemnation(谴责) and parochial(教区的)disapproval. And it’s mostly aimed at black women—especially those mothers who don’t keep their home or their children clean. Cleanliness, of course, is next to godliness, and who would want to commit the double sin of being black and dirty? Pecola’s very presence exacerbates some of the other characters’ (黑人)not so buried feelings(内心深处的感受) about their own race and poverty(佩科拉会提示他们想起自己不堪的过去)liabilities(这种可能性) that push these Ohioans apart, rather than unite them: no one wants to be confronted with her(佩科拉) own despair, especially when it’s(绝望) reflected in the eyes of another despairing person.





And the truth is, by the time we leave Pecola(读完这本书时), pecking at(稍微思考一下) the waste(被排挤的人) on the margins of the world(生活底层), we, too, may feel a measure of(一定程度) relief at no longer having to see what Morrison sees, her profound and unrelenting(无情) vision(景象) of what life can do to the forsaken(被抛弃者). Morrison said that she wrote “The Bluest Eye” because she wanted to read it. She began the book in 1965, when she was thirty-four years old. She had majored in English at Howard University, after which she did her M.A. at Cornell. (Her thesis, which she described as “shaky,” was about suicide as a theme in the work of Virginia Woolf[9] and William Faulkner.) Morrison went on to teach at Texas Southern University, and then at Howard, in D.C., where she joined a writers’ group and worked on a short story about a little black girl who wanted blue eyes. The character was based on a girl she’d known growing up in Ohio, who’d wanted those eyes and decided that God didn’t exist when He didn’t give them to her.


Morrison put the draft in a drawer and got on with the business of living. In 1958, she married the Jamaican architect Harold Morrison; seven years later, the couple was porced, and Toni was by herself, supporting two young boys and working as an editor at L. W. Singer, a textbook company in Syracuse, New York. During an argument, a neighbor called Morrison a tramp in front of her children. Morrison filed a two-hundred-thousand-dollar lawsuit, which she later dropped. She fought to protect herself, but how do you protect yourself from isolation or loneliness? Loneliness and hurt are often an artist’s first tools(灵感), and Morrison put hers to work by remembering and writing about the world she’d come from: the funk of poverty(贫穷的恶果) as well as its flowers(好处?), the ghost stories that her father, a welder and a Jack-of-all-trades(万事通,博而不精的人), told his children. In a way, “The Bluest Eye” builds on those tales and honors the years when(理解), without knowing it(成为艺术家?), Morrison was preparing to become an artist.


扩充资料】艾德琳·弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙(Adeline Virginia Woolf,1882年1月25日-1941年3月28日),英国女作家、文学批评家和文学理论家,意识流文学代表人物,被誉为二十世纪现代主义与女性主义的先锋。两次世界大战期间,她是伦敦文学界的核心人物,同时也是布卢姆茨伯里派(Bloomsbury Group)的成员之一。最知名的小说包括《达洛维夫人》(Mrs. Dalloway)《到灯塔去》(To the Lighthouse)等。1941年2月完成《幕间》写作。1940年,弗吉尼亚夫妇在伦敦的住宅被德国飞机轰炸。夫妇俩商量好,如果英国战败,两人即相携自尽,免受法西斯统治之辱。1941年3月28日,预感另一次精神崩溃即将开始,伍尔芙担心自己永远不会再好转,在留下两封分别给丈夫和姐姐温妮莎的短信后,1941年3月28日,她用石头填满口袋,投入了她家附近的欧塞河 ,终年59岁。



Set near the start of the Second World War, before postwar prosperity changed Lorain, the book is narrated by Claudia, a feisty child, but the tone is elegiac, since a lot of the novel is driven by memory and the stories that shape it. Before the narrative begins, Morrison gives us the crux of the tale in a sort of preface. By dispensing with narrative suspense up front(不以情节见长), Morrison, the modernist[10], focuses our attention on character, on how the stories we tell about(自己讲故事) and how we tellto one another often are the story(相互之间). We first meet Claudia and Frieda when a white neighbor taunts them, and we are shown that whiteness has no erotic pull(什么意思?根据下文,吸引力?) for Claudia; she has no interest in being defiled(玷污) or overtaken by it. Given white dolls for Christmas, she destroys them. But, she says, “The dismemberment of the dolls was not the true horror. The truly horrifying thing was the transference of the same impulses to little white girls. The indifference with which I could have axed them was shaken only by my desire to do so.” Claudia has already learned to hate; she knows that the world doesn’t admire and validate her the way it does white girls, and she compensates for her vulnerability by fighting for attention and respect. Pecola has no fight in her(理解). But, to be fair, Pecola comes to Claudia’s family under humbling circumstances(委婉语,情况不好?): the county places her there because she and the other Breedloves—her father, Cholly, who works at the local plant; her mother, Polly, who works as a domestic(?); and her older brother, Sammy—have no home. Cholly, in addition to burning his house down, went “upside his wife’s head, and everybody, as a result, was outdoors.”(?)(“There is a difference between being put out and being put outdoors,” Morrison writes, in one of the book’s fabulous clarifying paragraphs. “If you are put out, you go somewhere else; if you are outdoors, there is no place to go. . . .Outdoors was the end of something, an irrevocable, physical(物质) fact, defining and complementing our metaphysical(精神) condition.”)

该书以第二次世界大战开始伊始为背景,在战后繁荣改变洛兰之前,由克劳迪娅讲述,克劳迪娅是一个活泼的孩子,但语气是优雅,因为许多小说是由记忆和塑造它的故事驱动的。在叙述开始之前,莫里森用一种序言给我们讲述故事的重点所在。现代主义者莫里森将注意力放在人物身上,关注我们讲述的故事和彼此的故事。我们第一次见到克劳迪娅和弗里达时,一个白人邻居嘲笑他们,我们显示,白色没有色情拉克劳迪娅;她没有兴趣被玷污或超越它。给白色的娃娃圣诞节,她摧毁他们。但是,她说,"肢解娃娃并不是真正的恐怖。真正可怕的是,同样的冲动转移到小白人女孩。我可以用斧头砍他们的冷漠只会被我的愿望动摇。克劳迪娅已经学会了仇恨;她知道,世界并不钦佩和准许她对待白人女孩的方式,她用争取关注和尊重弥补她的脆弱。佩科拉没有打架。但是,公平地说,佩科拉在谦卑的情况下来到克劳迪娅的家人:县里把她安置在那里,因为她和其他品种的爱——她的父亲,乔利,在当地的工厂工作;她的母亲,波莉,为一个家庭工作;她的哥哥萨米没有家Cholly除了把房子烧掉外,还去"把妻子的头翻过来,结果每个人都在户外。莫里森在书中一段精彩的澄清段落中写道:"被放出来和被放在户外是有区别的。"如果你被放出来,你去别的地方... 户外是某种事物的终结,是一个不可改变的、实体上的事实,是我们形而上学的定义和实体。"

At Claudia’s, Pecola falls in love with an image of a blue-eyed Shirley Temple on a cup, and in order to peer at it as much as possible she drinks three quarts of milk, which angers Claudia’s mother. Testing charity’s patience can get you put outdoors, too. Eventually, the Breed loves are reunited in a storefront. But how can you be reunited if you’ve never really been together? The three women who live above the Breed loves, prostitutes named China, Poland, and Miss Marie, have formed a kind of family. Unlike the rest of town, the prostitutes do not despise Pecola, so she(谁?佩科拉还是莫里森) visits with them, and Morrison’s fantastic ear for dialogue is given free rein; she revels(狂欢) in how women speak, not only to one another but to themselves: “Hi, dumplin’. Where your socks?”


The accuracy of Morrison’s dialogue can render you a child again, eavesdropping on those thrilling ladies, whose talk feels like a delicious tease, a promise of warmth and attention. Will these women love Pecola—and stay adults in the process, which is to say, give her the five minutes of innocence and comfort that a black girl of her class is allowed in Lorain? Although Pecola is continually robbed of her innocence, she holds onto the scraps of her dreams with a steadfastness that breaks the heart(为什么). Her upstairs neighbors are another aspect of her hope. She loves to listen to these women’s stories because, despite the demands of their work, they are free: free to love whomever and spend their money however they like. Later in the conversation, Morrison reveals what the prostitutes keep from Pecola(保留?): how life can break you down. Pecola asks Marie if she had children with the man she loved, and Marie answers, “Yeah. Yeah. We had some.” Morrison continues, “Marie fidgeted. She pulled a bobby pin(小发夹) from her hair and began to pick her teeth. That meant she didn’t want to talk anymore.” Again and again, Morrison asks what happens to the children. Where are Marie’s kids? And what does it do to Pecola to see the furious and grieving Polly Breedlove, who works for a white family, extend more tenderness to her white charge than she ever has to her own children? To tell Polly’s story, Morrison’s novel expands like an accordion. The music is mournful, and in it we hear Polly’s griping monologues about how she came to be with Cholly, who, as a baby, was abandoned on a pile of trash by his mother. Polly met him after her family moved from Alabama to Kentucky as part of the Great Migration. Once married, she and Cholly crossed the river to Ohio, where Polly went to work for a mean white woman. “Look like working for that woman and fighting Cholly was all I did. Tiresome. But I holtd on to my jobs.”


Like her daughter, Polly fell in love with what she was not—the white images she saw flickering on a movie screen. When Pecola is born, Polly wants to love her, but in the end she can’t. “I knowed she was ugly,” she says. “Headfull of pretty hair, but Lord she was ugly.” Black, poor, female, ugly: one gives birth to what one feels oneself to be. And other black women don’t help(跟他们有什么关系), especially if they’re like Geraldine, a minor character, who’s trying to maintain order and thus keep dirtiness, blackness, and chaos out of her life. One day, Geraldine’s son, Junior, convinces Pecola to come to his house, where he plays a terrible trick on her involving a cat. Geraldine arrives and puts an end to the mayhem(暴行), but her disgust bubbles up like vomit(看到P感到很恶心?) when she looks at Pecola, who, she feels, is surely more to blame than her son: She had seen this little girl all of her life(一生都不会忘记?). Hanging out of windows over saloons in Mobile, crawling over the porches of shotgun houses on the edge of town, sitting in bus stations holding paper bags and crying to mothers who kept saying “Shut up!” Hair uncombed, dresses falling apart, shoes untied and caked(结块) with dirt. They had stared at her with great uncomprehending eyes. Eyes that questioned nothing and asked everything. . . . The end of the world lay in their eyes, and the beginning, and all the waste in between. We belong as much to the things we throw away as to the things we keep. Pecola is shunned by Cholly and Polly and Geraldine and nearly every other person she comes into contact with, but that doesn’t mean they can shake her, in part because they can’t shake themselves: she embodies their pain and anguish(痛苦) and disrupts their dreams, no matter how flimsy(脆弱) they may be. And, as horrible as it is, Cholly’s abuse of his daughter is an attempt for him to love someone. What he knows about love is informed by abandonment and contempt. 


[1]【扩充资料】托妮·莫里森(Toni Morrison)美国著名女作家。1931年生于俄亥俄州,曾在兰登书屋担任高级编辑,后赴普林斯顿大学等校任教。代表作有《最蓝的眼睛》《所罗门之歌》《宠儿》《爵士乐》《爱》《恩惠》等,曾获普利策小说奖、美国书评家协会奖、美国国家图书奖等多项大奖。1993年,荣获诺贝尔文学奖。莫里森这些作品均以美国的黑人生活为主要内容,笔触细腻,人物、语言及故事情节生动逼真,想象力丰富。


[3]【扩充资料】威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner 1897年9月25日-1962年7月6日),美国文学史上最具影响力的作家之一,意识流文学在美国的代表人物,1949年诺贝尔文学奖得主,获奖原因为"因为他对当代美国小说做出了强有力的和艺术上无与伦比的贡献"。世系中共600多个有名有姓的人物在各个长篇、短篇小说中穿插交替出现。


[4]【扩充资料】弗兰纳里•奥康纳(Flannery O'Connor)(1925-1964),是与麦卡勒斯齐名的美国天才女作家,被誉为“南方的文学先知”。她39岁时死于红斑狼疮,美国评论界称她的早逝是“自斯科特•菲茨杰拉尔德去世以来美国文坛最重大的损失”。奥康纳风格怪诞,独树一帜。她擅长描写南方乡村人物生活,对人性阴暗有着惊人的洞察,故事诡谲、恐怖、阴郁到令人窒息,语言精准有力,在看似轻松幽默中抵达不测之深。


[5]【扩充资料】赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯(Herbert George Wells,1866-1946),又译作赫伯特·乔治·韦尔斯,英国著名小说家,新闻记者、政治家、社会学家和历史学家。他创作的科幻小说对该领域影响深远,如"时间旅行"、"外星人入侵"、"反乌托邦"等都是20世纪科幻小说中的主流话题。


[6]【扩充资料】秀兰·邓波儿(Shirley Temple,1928年4月23日—2014年2月10日)出生于美国加利福尼亚州的圣莫尼卡。电影演员,美国著名童星。

[7]扩充资料】《最蓝的眼睛》中具有反抗精神的黑人女性的名字。除主人公外具有反抗精神的黑人女性: 克劳迪娅·麦克蒂尔,小说部分的叙述者。克劳迪娅是一个独立而有坚强思想的九岁孩子,是反对成人对儿童的暴政和反对黑人社区白人美容标准理想化的斗士和反叛者。她还没有学会困扰同龄人的自我憎恨。




[9]扩充资料】艾德琳·弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙(Adeline Virginia Woolf,1882年1月25日-1941年3月28日),英国女作家、文学批评家和文学理论家,意识流文学代表人物,被誉为二十世纪现代主义与女性主义的先锋。两次世界大战期间,她是伦敦文学界的核心人物,同时也是布卢姆茨伯里派(Bloomsbury Group)的成员之一。最知名的小说包括《达洛维夫人》(Mrs. Dalloway)《到灯塔去》(To the Lighthouse)等。1941年2月完成《幕间》写作。1940年,弗吉尼亚夫妇在伦敦的住宅被德国飞机轰炸。夫妇俩商量好,如果英国战败,两人即相携自尽,免受法西斯统治之辱。1941年3月28日,预感另一次精神崩溃即将开始,伍尔芙担心自己永远不会再好转,在留下两封分别给丈夫和姐姐温妮莎的短信后,1941年3月28日,她用石头填满口袋,投入了她家附近的欧塞河 ,终年59岁。

本文标题:Seeing Things 1 - 八卦谈
