天天动画片 > 八卦谈 > NBA2k战术调整建议


八卦谈 佚名 2023-09-17 02:54:33



最后介绍一下vannwolfhawk。此人本职就是篮球教练,他对于倾向的研究贴现在还在operation sports论坛上影响着很多人,近些年在2k server上影响很大的写实主义名单attention to detail名单,就是按照他的理论调整的倾向。他亲测的战术电脑与玩家均能较好执行。后来他又为2k21在xbox平台上做了一个名单,可惜现在服务器关闭,名单也遗失了。现在只能找到他为2k18整理的战术,附在下面,各代不同玩家酌情参考。

名词翻译: ISO-单打 Wing-侧翼 Low Post-低位 Elbow-肘区 High Post-高位 Guard Post-后卫背身单打 DHO-手递手 Mid-中投 3 Pt-3分 PNR-挡拆 PNFade-挡拆外弹 PNR Option-挡拆选项


87 ISO 1 Motion - ISO (Wing)

Fist Horns Motion 15 - PNR

Fist Horns 52 - PNR Option (Elbow/Stagger)

90 Punch 25 Chin - Low Post

*89 Punch 54 Horns - Low Post (High/Low)

Punch 4 RIP Hammer - Low Post

Punch 34 Chin - Low Post

Punch Strong 15 - Low Post

Punch 25 TRI - Low Post

Punch 5 RIP 2 - Low Post

Punch 5 Horns Fist - Low Post

Punch Horns RIP 3 - Low Post (Elbow)(Flex)

High 4 Up - High Post

Punch 42 Floppy - Guard Post (User Options/OK CPU/Elbow High/Low)

Give 52 Swing Quick - DHO (DHO/PNR-Options/Fast)

Give Swing 42 - DHO

Give 41 Motion - DHO (Elbow/DHO)

Cut 24 Chin - Cutter

90 Quick 2 Give 41 - Mid

87 Quick 52 - Mid

Quick Horns Motion 3 Up - Mid

Quick 3 Scissor - 3 Pt.

Quick Zipper 3 - 3 Pt

Quick 2 Punch Flare - 3 Pt.

Quick 51 Up 4 - 3 Pt.

90 Quick 51 - 3 Pt.

Quick 3 Punch Motion - 3 Pt.

Quick Punch 52 - 3 Pt.

Floppy 2 Chin - 3 Pt.

85 Quick 1 DBL - 3 pt.

90 Quick Fist 53 - 3 Pt.

Give Euro 52 Quick - 3 pt

Quick Swing Motion - 3 Pt.

Quick 52 Split - 3 Pt. (Post Feed/Split Action/PNR)

*Quick 3 RIP Swing - 3 Pt.

Fist Horns 52 - 3 Pt (Elbow/DHO/PNR)


Give Swing - DHO

Give 43 Horns - DHO

Give Horns 42 Away - DHO

Give Motion 42 - DHO

Give Horns Flip 1 - DHO

Give 51 - DHO

Give 53 - DHO

Give Zipper 51 - DHO

Give 53 Horns Quick - DHO

Give 52 Horns - DHO

Give Swing 42 - DHO

Give CNR 12 - DHO

Give 53 CNR - DHO (Elbow)

Give 51 Horns - DHO (Elbow)

87 35 Give - DHO (Elbow)

Give Euro 52 Quick - DHO (Options/DHO or PNR)

Give 51 High - DHO

**Give 52 Swing Quick - DHO (DHO/PNR-Options/Fast)


Fist 91 Give - PNR

Fist 15 Give Chin - PNR

Fist Flow 14 - PNR (DHO's/PNR's/Multiple Options)

*Fist 15 Motion - PNR (DHO/Fast)

06 Fist 35 Give - PNFade 3 Pt.

Fist 52 Dive 4 Out - PNR Option

Fist 51 Give 4 Out - PNR Option

Fist Euro 15 Flow - PNR Option (PIN/DHO/PIN/PNR)

Punch 5 RIP Give - Low Post (DHO/Swing/RIP/High Laker Cut)

Give Zipper 51 - DHO

90 Quick 2 Give 41 - Mid

Quick 12 Dive 51 Give - 3 Pt. (Utah 4)

Quick 31 Give 12 - 3 Pt.

Quick Horns 21 - 3 Pt.

*Quick 14 Horns Curl - 3 pt.

Quick Horns 2 Flip - 3 Pt.

Fist Horns 52 - 3 Pt (Elbow/DHO/PNR)


挡拆战术按照区域与站位被划分为不同类型,战术执行相同但名字不同的两个战术不会被重复收录,例如 Fist 19 Up 和 Fist 5 Up Horns。有些挡拆战术只能被控卫使用,而有些只能被侧翼使用,而挡拆持球者可以使用全部挡拆战术,这一点在球员编辑中要注意。


Fist 14 Horns STS - PNR

Fist 5 Horns Down - PNR

Fist 15 Horns Alley - PNR

Fist 5 Down 4 CNR - PNR

Fist 71 Spain - PNR

Fist 15 Out - PNFade 3 Pt.

Fist 4 Short - PNR Option

Fist 5 Short - PNR Option

06 Fist 15 - PNR Option

Fist 5 Dive 4 Out - PNR Option

Fist 61 - PNR Option


(不知道怎么翻译,原文为Running Screens,大概是跑过来作掩护的意思,和set screen定位掩护对应。但怎么翻都有点犯规的意思)

Fist 15 Out - PNFade 3 Pt.

Fist 4 Slip Wide - PNFade 3 Pt.

Fist 4 Up STS - PNFade 3 Pt. (Running Screen)

Fist 91 - PNR Option

Fist 71 - PNR Option

Fist 15 High - PNR Option

**Fist 61 - PNR Option

Fist 52 Side - PNR Option

Fist "1-4" - PNR Option

Fist 5 Dive 4 Out - PNR Option

Fist 15 End - PNR Option

Fist Thru 91 - PNR Option

Fist Thru REV 25 - PNR Option

06 Fist 15 - PNR Option

Fist 52 Dive 4 Out - PNR Option (Running PNR) (W2T)

侧翼挡拆 (中路)

Fist 5 Out - PNR

Fist 4 Side Out - PNR Mid

Fist 4 Side - PNR Option (Back Lifts)

Fist 15 High - PNR Option

侧翼挡拆 (边线)

Fist 25 Quick - PNR (Pin Down imm Side PNR)

Fist 25 Quick 5 Out - PNR

Fist 15 Wide - PNR

Fist 4 Out Spread - PNR Mid

*Fist 4 Up Side - PNR Option

*Fist 5 Lift Side - PNR Option

Fist 25 Clear - PNR Option

Fist 52 Side - PNR Option


Fist 19 - PNR (T2W)

Fist 63 Side - PNR (W2T)

Fist 19 Up - PNR (T2W)

Fist 91 Swing DBL - PNR (Either to Top or Side)

Fist 15 REV - PNR (Either to Top or Side)

Fist 91 STS Quick - PNR

Punch 5 Fist 91 STS - PNR

Fist Euro 91 Side - PNR Mid (W2T)

Fist 5 Up Horns - PNFade 3 Pt. (T2W)

Fist 92 Side - PNFade 3 Pt. (W2T)

Fist 92 Loop - PNR Option (W2T)

**Fist 91 Side - PNR Option (W2T) (DBL Elbow Screens)


*Fist 35 RIP 4 - PNR (Corner PNR)

Fist 35 Horns X - PNR (Flip)

Fist 25 Motion High - PNR

Fist 25 Give 43 - PNR (DHO into PNR)

*Fist 25 Quick - PNR (Pin Down to Side PNR)

Fist 26 Side - PNR (DBL) (W2T)

Fist 25 5 Out - PNR

Fist 25 High - PNR

Fist 92 Side - PNFade 3 Pt. (DBL W2T)

Fist Swing 34 - PNR Option

Fist 25 Quick Swing - PNR Option (PNR After DBL Stagger)

Give 35 Fist - PNR Option - @ bottom of Play Type (DHO into PNR)

Fist 24 Twist - PNR Option (Zipper into PNR)

*Fist 25 - PNR Option (T2S)

Fist 25 Zipper - PNR Option (Zipper into PNR)

Fist 52 Dive 4 Out - PNR Option (Running PNR) (W2T)

Fist 92 Loop - PNR Option (DBL Screen) (W2T)

Fist 52 Side - PNR Option

Fist Loop 24 - PNR Option (Single Screen) (W2T)

Fist Euro 53 - PNR Option (Loop/T-Series/PNR)

PNR's With Lifts or Hammer's

Fist 51 Hawk - PNFade 3Pt. (Strong Lifts)

*Fist Euro 4 Lift - PNR Option (Big in CNR)

Fist 4 Side - PNR Option (Back Lifts)

Fist 91 - PNR Option (Running Screen/Back Lifts)

Fist 5 Out - PNR (Back Lifts)

Punch 15 Fist - Low Post

W2T = 侧翼到弧顶

T2W = 弧顶到侧翼/边线

W2S = 边线到底线



Fist Thru - PNR Option

Fist Euro 53 - PNR Option (Loop/T-Series/PNR)

Punch Thru - Low Post

Punch 5 Thru - Low Post

Punch 5 Flare RIP - Low Post

Punch Fist 5 - Low Post

Punch 5 RIP "1-4" - Low Post (T-Series)

Quick Motion 3 Up - Mid Range

Quick 3 RIP - Mid Range

Quick 2 RIP 4 - 3 Pt.

Quick Thru 2 - 3 Pt.

Quick Thru - 3 Pt.


(Elbow Flex Option Read,马克杰克逊第一年指教勇士时常用的战术,逐渐在NBA中流行开。特点是大量的跑动和横纵掩护,如果没有出现机会,则可以变化为挡拆。策应型内线可以在这种战术里有所发挥。是flex的变式,参见下方曲折进攻flex)

Fist CNR Give 23 - PNR

Quick Horns Swing 52 - PNR (DBL Stagger/Elbow/Warrior/Quick)

Fist 15 Elbow PIN - PNR Option (Decoy)

Punch 45 Elbow RIP - Low Post

Give 53 CNR - DHO

Give CNR 41 - DHO

Quick CNR Give 23 - 3 Pt.

Quick Horns Swing 52 - 3 Pt.

Quick 1 Fist Horns - 3 Pt.

Quick 1 Horns - 3 Pt. (Warrior Action)



Fist 35 Give (into PNR) - PNR

*Fist 25 Weave - PNR (into PNR)

Fist 25 Give 5 Out - PNR (Into PNR)

06 Fist 35 Give (Into PNR) - PNFade 3 Pt

Fist Weave 35 - PNR Option

01 Give 32 (into PNR) - Mid Range




Fist Zipper 91 Loop - PNR Option

Fist Euro 53 - PNR Option (Loop/T-Series/PNR)

Fist Loop 24 - PNR Option (Single Screen)

*Fist Loop - PNR Option

Fist 52 Loop - PNR Option

Fist 92 Loop - PNR Option (DBL Screen)

Punch Loop 43 - Low Post

Punch 25 Loop X - Low Post

Punch Loop 25 - Low Post

Punch 42 Floppy - Guard Post (User Options/OK CPU/Elbow High/Low)



Fist 91 Zipper - PNR

Fist 93 Zipper Cross - PNR

Fist Zipper 24 Out - PNR Mid

Fist 24 Zipper - PNR Option

Fist Zipper - PNR Option

Fist 3 Zipper - PNR Option

*Fist 35 Zipper Thru - PNR Option (Thru/Zipper/PNR)

Fist Zipper 91 Loop - PNR Option

Fist 25 Zipper - PNR Option

Fist 34 RIP 53 - PNR Option

*Punch Zipper Fist 15 - Low Post

Give Zipper 51 - DHO

04 Cut 42 Zipper - Cutter

Quick 3 Zipper 4 Up - 3 Pt.

*Quick 2 ZIP Hammer - 3 Pt.

Quick Zipper 2 Hawk - 3 Pt.

*Quick Zipper 3 - 3 Pt.

Zipper 23 Flare - 3 Pt.



Fist 81 Fade - PNR

Fist Horns Motion 15 - PNR

Punch 5 Flare RIP - Low Post

Give 43 Horns - DHO

*Quick 2 Flare - 3 pt. (into PNR)

Zipper 23 Flare - 3 Pt.

Quick 3 STS Flare - 3 Pt.

Quick Swing 3 Flare - 3 Pt.

Quick 1 Swing - 3 pt. (Options)

*Quick Thru 2 Swing - 3 pt.

Quick 2 Floppy High - 3 pt. (Flare 1st Option)


*Quick Horns Swing 52 - PNR (DBL Stagger/Elbow/Warrior/Quick)

Fist 14 Swing - PNR Option (DBL Stagger/PNR/Option Read)

Fist Horns 52 - PNR Option (Elbow/Stagger)

Fist 25 Quick Swing - PNR Option (DBL Stagger)

Quick 93 - Mid (DBL Stagger)

Quick Swing 2 - 3 Pt. (DBL Stagger)

Quick 2 Swing - 3 Pt (DBL Stagger)

Quick Horns 21 - 3 Pt. (DBL Stagger)

Quick Swing 21 RIP - 3 Pt. (DBL Stagger)

Quick Horns Fist 91 - 3 Pt (DBL Stagger)

Quick Zipper 2 Hawk - 3 Pt. (DBL Stagger)

Quick Punch 52 - 3 Pt. (DBL Stagger)

Quick 2 Drag - 3 Pt. (DBL Stagger)

Quick 3 Chin - 3 Pt. (DBL Stagger)

Quick DBL Wide - 3 Pt. (DBL Stagger) (2x)



Floppy - 3 Pt.

Floppy Fist - 3 Pt.

Quick 2 Floppy High - 3 Pt.

Quick 2 Floppy Horns - 3 Pt. (PNR Option)

Floppy 2 Chin - 3 Pt.

Quick 2 Circle - 3 pt. (A.I./RIP)

Quick 23 Horns Option - 3 Pt (Floppy)

Quick DBL Wide - 3 Pt. (2X)



Quick 2 Drag - 3 Pt.

Quick 2 Fist 91 - 3 Pt (DBL Drag/ 2 Elbow Screens)

Quick Horns Fist 91 - 3 Pt. (Horns Flip)


(Flex,年代久远的战术,特点是大量跑动,连续循环地进行 横向掩护+纵向掩护,不断地为队友创造均衡的得分机会。上一次大放异彩是2002NCAA,感兴趣的自行查找资料)

*Cut Flex 23 - Cutter

Cut Horns Flex - Cutter

*Punch Horns RIP 3 - Low Post (Flex)

Quick Flex Motion - Mid

Quick 23 Motion - Mid

90 Quick Flex - Mid

*Quick 3 Horns Flex - 3 Pt.

Quick 1 Flex - 3 Pt

Quick 1 Fist Horns - 3 pt.

*Quick 3 Zipper 4 Up - 3 pt.



Fist Hawk 15 - PNR Option (My UCLA 3 Play/ Back Screen into Ball Screen)(Common)

Fist 51 Hawk - PNFade 3Pt. (Strong Lifts)

90 Quick 2 Hawk - Mid

*****Quick Hawk RIP 5 - 3 PT (UCLA)

Quick Zipper 2 Hawk - 3 Pt

Quick Hawk RIP 5 - 3 Pt.

*Quick 23 Hawk - 3 Pt.


90 ISO 4 RIP - ISO (Top Key ISO)

71 High 45 - High Post (Top Key ISO)

*Fist 35 RIP 4 - PNR (Corner Play PNR)

Fist 5 Out STS - PNR (2 Screens)

*Quick Horns Swing 52 - PNR (DBL Stagger/Elbow/Warrior/Quick)

Fist 5 Down 4 CNR - PNR

**Fist 35 Horns X - PNR (Flip N2 imm PNR/Great Spacing)

**Fist 25 Quick - PNR (Pin Down imm Side PNR)

Fist 4 Out Spread - PNR Mid (Pick N Pop)

06 Fist 35 Give - PNFade 3 Pt.

Fist Side 4 Short - PNR Option (Back Lifts)

Fist 91 - PNR Option (Running Screen/Back Lifts)

Fist 15 DBL Pin - PNR Option (Warrior)

Fist 51 Give 4 Out - PNR Option (DHO to start)

**Fist 35 Horns Quick - PNR Option (DBL Pin's to imm. PNR)

Fist Pistol 45 - PNR Option (Pinch N2 PNR) (Lebron/PNR Wings)

**Fist 91 Side - PNR Option (2 DBL Elbow Screens)

*98 Fist 2 RIP - PNR Option (Corner Play PNR)

**Fist Give 15 Chin - PNR Option (DHO N2 imm. PNR)

Punch 45 Elbow RIP - Low Post (Warrior)

Punch Zipper Fist 15 - Low Post (Options) (Zipper/Elbow/Flare/PNR/Post-Up)

Punch 25 High - Low Post (Mid Lane Post/Low Laker Cut)

Punch 4 Floppy - Low Post

*Punch Horns Fist 45 - Low Post (DBL Horns Screen/High/Low Option)

High 91 Fist - High Post (Pick N Pop)

91 Punch 1 - Guard Post (Magic - Mouse)

Give 52 Horns - DHO

Give 52 Swing Quick - DHO

Give Swing - DHO

Give 51 High - DHO

**Give 52 Swing Quick - DHO (DHO/PNR-Options/Fast)

Cut 24 Chin - Cutter

Quick 3 Up Fist - 3 Pt. (Utah 2)

Quick 12 Dive 51 Give - 3 Pt. (Utah 4)

*Quick Swing Motion - 3 Pt. (Multiple Options/Fast)

Floppy - 3 Pt (Into imm. PNR)

Quick 2 Floppy Horns - 3 Pt. (Into imm. PNR)

Quick Horns Swing 52 - 3 Pt. (Options)

**Quick Swing Motion - 3 Pt. (Multiple Options)

Quick 52 Split - 3 Pt. (Post Feed/Split Action/PNR)

Quick DBL Wide - 3 Pt. (2X)



Punch 5 - Low Post

Punch - Low Post

Punch Swing 25 - Low Post

Punch 5 RIP Give - Low Post (DHO/Swing/RIP/High Laker Cut)

Punch "1-4" RIP - Low Post (DBL Stagger Option)


Punch 25 High - Low Post

Punch 15 Spread - Low Post

Punch 15 Quick - Low Post

Punch 25 TRI - Low Post

Punch 35 Wing TRI - Low Post

Punch RIP 4 Dive - Low Post (Low Laker Cut)

Quick Punch 52 - 3 Pt (Stagger)

Punch 4 High - Low Post


Punch 4 - Low Post

Punch Swing - Low Post

Punch Fist 15 - Low Post

Punch 35 Fist - Low Post

Punch 15 Spread Fist - Low Post

Punch 15 Fist - Low Post


Punch Strong 15 - Low Post (For SG)

Punch 25 Quick - Low Post (For SG)

Punch 25 - Low Post (For SF)

Punch 5 Quick - Low Post (For PF)

Quick Punch 52 - 3 Pt (Stagger)

Punch Swing 25 - Low Post (Everyone Relocates)


Punch 25 Loop X - Low Post

Punch Thru - Low Post

Punch 5 Thru - Low Post

Punch 25 Loop - Low Post

*Punch 5 RIP X 25 - Low Post

*Punch 5 Flare RIP - Low Post

Punch 25 Euro - Low Post

Punch 15 Hawk - Low Post

T-Series Post Plays

Punch Thru - Low Post

Punch 5 Thru - Low Post

*Punch 5 Flare RIP - Low Post

Punch 5 RIP "1-4" - Low Post (T-Series)


*Punch 5 Horns Fist - Low Post

Punch 45 X - Low Post

*08 Punch 15 Fist - Low Post

*Punch 45 Elbow RIP - Low Post

Punch Horns Fist 45 - Low Post

*89 Punch 54 Horns - Low Post (High/Low)


Punch Fist 15 - Low Post

Punch 35 Fist - Low Post

Punch 15 Spread Fist - Low Post

Punch 15 Fist - Low Post

*Punch 5 RIP X 25 - Low Post


Punch 91 Fist Wheel - Low Post

Punch 24 Wheel - Low Post

Punch 34 Box RIP - Low Post


*Punch RIP 4 X Horns - Low Post

Punch RIP 4 Dive - Low Post (Low Laker Cut)

*Punch Horns RIP 3 - Low Post (Elbow)(Flex)

Punch 43 Base TRI - Low Post (OK)

Punch 24 RIP "1-4" - Low Post

Punch 5 RIP X 25 - Low Post

Punch 5 RIP Give - Low Post (DHO/Swing/RIP/High Laker Cut)

Punch 5 RIP "1-4" - Low Post (T-Series)

*Punch 5 Flare RIP - Low Post (Options)

Punch 4 RIP 2 - Low Post

Punch 3 RIP Swing - Low Post

Punch "1-4" RIP - Low Post (DBL Stagger Option)

*98 Punch 4 RIP "1-4" - Low Post

98 Punch 4 RIP - Low Post


*Punch Zipper Fist 15 - Low Post

*Punch 5 RIP X 25 - Low Post

Punch 25 Loop X - Low Post

Punch 91 Fist Wheel - Low Post

Punch 25 Loop - Low Post

*Punch 5 Flare RIP - Low Post

Punch 4 Floppy - Low Post

90 Punch 25 Chin - Low Post


Cut Loop 42 Dive - Cutter (Option into Elevator)

Quick 1 Elevator RIP - 3 Pt.

Quick 1 Elevator - 3 Pt.

Quick 2 Down Elevator - 3 Pt.

Quick 3 Elevator CNR - 3 Pt.

Quick Elevator 5 RIP - 3 pt.

Quick Elevator CNR - 3 Pt.


*Quick 2 ZIP Hammer - 3 Pt.

Quick 3 Hammer - 3 Pt.

Quick 2 Hammer RIP - 3 Pt. (玩家专用)

Quick 2 Punch Hammer - 3 Pt. (玩家专用)


Cut 15 Horns Alley - Cutter (Anyone can be Roll Man Alley Guy)

Cut 2 Alley - Cutter (Options)

72 Cut 15 Alley - Cutter (Center Alley Only)


Punch 3 Base TRI - Guard Post (Pre Action w/shuffle cut)

Punch 2 RIP - Guard Post(Pre Action w/shuffle cut)

Punch 3 ISO - Guard Post (Wing ISO)

Punch 1 Go - Guard Post (Mouse/Magic/PG)

Punch 42 Floppy - Guard Post (User Options/OK CPU/Elbow High/Low)

ISO 13 Motion - PNR Option (Guard Post Up)



ISO Pinch - ISO High Post Elbow Post / Wing (Blake/Melo)

ISO 2 Pinch End - ISO High Post Elbow Post / Wing (Blake/Melo) - Spread

High 24 Top TRI - ISO / Elbow/Wing Post

High 24 Base TRI - ISO / Elbow/Wing Post


*06 ISO 1 GO - ISO



06 ISO 13 - ISO / Punch to mid wing ISO

ISO 24 Base TRI - ISO / Wing 3 Pt.

ISO 1 Angle - ISO

*87 ISO 1 Motion - ISO Swing/Floppy/Wing - PG ONLY

00 ISO RIP 3 - ISO - (Pre Action into Wing Iso)


ISO 12 - ISO - Punch 2 Low Guard Post (Spread)

ISO 13 Motion - PNR Option (Guard Post)


*ISO 91 Fist - ISO - PNPop to wing Iso

ISO 14 Spread Fist - ISO - PNPop to wing Iso


ISO 12 ICE - ISO (Top Key ISO) J. Johnson/P. George

***85 ISO 3 Quick - ISO (Top Key ISO after motion and pin down) (J. Johnson/P. George)


**ISO Slice 32 - ISO - Swing into cross screen to Low Side Post - Melo/ Blake/P. George/J. Butler)

ISO 2 Floppy - ISO - Floppy to Wing 3 Pt. ISO

ISO 32 Quick - ISO - Pin/Pinch/ Wing ISO

ISO Euro Wide 12 - ISO (Simple Pin Down)

ISO 12 RIP - ISO - RIP into Mid Wing ISO / Melo/J. Butler/Wiggins

IISO 2 Quick 32 - ISO RIP/ Loop into Mid Wing ISO / Melo/J. Butler/Wiggins


ISO 1 Go - ISO (Top Key)

ISO 1 Angle - ISO (Wing)

ISO Euro 91 Angle - ISO (Wing Horns DBL Screen N2 ISO)


*Cut 24 Chin - Cutter

*Cut Flex 23 - Cutter

Cut 15 Horns Alley - Cutter (Anyone can be Roll Man Alley Guy)

Cut 2 Alley - Cutter (Options)

72 Cut 15 Alley - Cutter (Center Alley Only)

04 Cut 42 Zipper - Cutter

Cut Loop 42 Dive - Cutter (Option into Elevator)


88 Quick 13 Box - Mid

89 Quick 12 Thru - Mid

Quick Thru 2 Swing - Mid

Quick Horns Motion 3 Up - Mid

Quick Horns 42 - Mid

Quick 43 DBL - Mid

Quick 3 RIP - Mid

90 Quick 2 Give 41 - Mid

Quick 93 - Mid (DBL Stagger)

Quick 21 Swing 2 Up - Mid

Quick Flex Motion - Mid - OK

Quick 23 Motion - Mid - OK

90 Quick Flex - Mid - OK



98 Fist "1-4" - PNR

Fist "1-4" 35 - PNR

98 Fist 15 "1-4" - PNR Option

Fist 14 "1-4" - PNR Option

Fist 25 "1-4" - PNR Option

Fist 25 Give "1-4" - PNR Option

Fist Hawk 15 - PNR Option (My UCLA 3 Play/ Back Screen into Ball Screen)(Common)

Punch 5 RIP "1-4" - Low Post

*98 Punch 4 RIP "1-4" - Low Post

*98 Punch 4 RIP - Low Post

Punch 24 RIP "1-4" - Low Post

Punch "1-4" RIP - Low Post

98 High "1-4" - High Post

Cut Loop 42 Dive - Cutter

Punch "1-4" 1 - Guard Post

Punch "1-4" RIP 1 - Guard Post

Quick "1-4" 3 - Mid

98 Quick 42 "1-4"- 3 Pt

98 Quick 2 "1-4" - 3 Pt

Quick "1-4" RIP 1 - 3 Pt.

98 Quick 42 "1-4" - 3 Pt

98 Quick 2 - "1-4" - 3 Pt.

Fist UCLA 35 TRI - 3 Pt.

Fist Hawk 15 - PNR Option (My UCLA 3 Play/ Back Screen into Ball Screen)(Common)

*****Quick Hawk RIP 5 - 3 PT (UCLA)



*Quick Horns Swing 52 - PNR (Elbow/Quick)

*Fist 14 Swing - PNR Option (DBL Stagger/PNR/Option Read)

Fist Swing 34 - PNR Option

Punch Swing - Low Post

Punch RIP 4 X Horns - Low Post

Punch 25 - Low Post

Punch 25 Euro - Low Post

Punch 3 RIP Swing - Low Post

**Give 52 Swing Quick - DHO (DHO/PNR-Options/Fast)

Give Swing 42 - DHO

Give Swing 53 - DHO

**Quick Swing Motion - 3 Pt. (Multiple Options)

Quick Swing 3 - 3 Pt.

*Quick 3 RIP Swing - 3 Pt.

Quick 3 Punch Motion - 3 pt. (Feed Post/Cutters/Fade)

Quick 1 Swing - 3 pt. (Options)

*Quick Thru 2 Swing - 3 pt.

Quick 2 Swing - 3 Pt (DBL Stagger)

Quick Swing 2 - 3 Pt. (DBL Stagger)

*Quick Swing 21 RIP - 3 Pt. (DBL Stagger) (2 Options)

Swing / PG Comebacks

Fist Swing 14 - PNR

*Quick Horns Swing 52 - PNR (DBL Stagger/Elbow/Warrior/Quick)

Punch 5 Fist 91 STS - PNR

Fist 1 Swing - PNR

*Fist 14 Swing - PNR Option

Quick 1 Swing 2 Up - 3 Pt.

Quick 1 Swing ATL - 3 Pt.

Quick Swing 3 Flare - 3 Pt.



Fist 91 STS Quick - PNR

Punch 5 Fist 91 STS - PNR

Fist 15 REV - PNR (Into Wing DBL Horns PNR)

*Fist 35 Zipper Thru - PNR Option (Thru/Zipper/PNR)

Fist Thru - PNR Option

Fist Thru 91 - PNR Option

Fist Thru REV 25 - PNR Option

Punch Thru - Low Post

*Quick Thru 2 Swing - 3 pt.

Quick Thru - 3 Pt.

Quick Thru 2 - 3 Pt.



*Fist 14 Horns STS - PNR

Fist 5 Horns Down - PNR

**Fist 35 Horns X - PNR (Flip N2 imm PNR/Great Spacing)

*Fist 15 Horns Alley - PNR

Fist Horns 91 Clear - PNR (Like Swing 34)

Fist 71 Spain - PNR

Fist 14 Horns - PNR

Fist 19 - PNR

Fist 91 Swing DBL - PNR (Side DBL Horns Screen)

Fist 5 Up Horns - PNFade 3 Pt.

Fist 19 DBL - PNFade 3 Pt.

Fist 19 Up - PNFade 3 Pt.

Fist Horns 34 - PNR Option

**Fist 35 Horns Quick - PNR Option (DBL Pins N2 Side PNR)

Fist Horns 25 Give - PNR Option

Fist Horns 52 - PNR Option (Elbow/Stagger)

*Punch 5 Horns Fist - Low Post (High/Low)

*Punch RIP 4 X Horns - Low Post (Cross Screen/Quick)

Punch Horns Fist 45 - Low Post (DBL Horns Screen/High/Low Option)

*89 Punch 54 Horns - Low Post (High/Low)

89 Punch 34 Horns - Low Post

*Punch Horns RIP 3 - Low Post (Elbow)(Flex)

Give Horns 42 Away - DHO (Elbow)

Give 52 Horns - DHO (Elbow)

Give 53 Horns Quick - DHO (Elbow)

Cut 15 Horns Alley - Cutter

*Quick Horns 42 - Mid (Elbow)

Quick 2 Floppy Horns - 3 Pt. (PNR Option)

Quick 1 Fist Horns - 3 Pt.

Quick 4 Horns Flare - 3 Pt.

Quick 3 Horns Away - 3 Pt. (Options)

Quick 3 Horns Fade - 3 Pt.

Quick 1 Horns - 3 Pt. (Warrior Action)

Quick 42 Horns - 3 Pt. (Elbow)

*Quick 3 Horns Flex - 3 Pt.

*Quick 3 Fist 15 Horns - 3 Pt. (PNR/Stagger/PNR)

Quick 23 Horns Option - 3 Pt (Floppy)

Quick Horns Fist 91 - 3 Pt.

Quick 2 Floppy Horns - 3 Pt. (N2 SG Side PNR)

Quick Horns 21 - 3 Pt. (DHO)

Fist Horns 52 - 3 Pt (Elbow/DHO/PNR)

Horns Flip Plays

Fist Horns Flip 35 - PNR

Fist Horns Flip 53 - PNR

Fist 35 Horns X - PNR

Fist Horns 91 Clear - PNR

Fist 34 RIP 53 - PNR Option

Fist Horns 91 RIP 4 - PNR Option

Punch Horns 45 Flip - Low Post

Quick Horns Fist 91 - 3 Pt.

Quick Horns 2 Flip - 3 Pt.

*Quick 14 Horns Curl - 3 Pt


Punch Chin 35 - Low Post

Punch 34 Chin - Low Post

90 Punch 25 Chin - Low Post

Punch 41 Chin - Guard Post

*Cut 24 Chin - Cutter

71 Quick 52 Chin - Mid

*Quick 3 Chin - 3 Pt. (DBL Stagger)

*Floppy 2 Chin - 3 Pt.



ISO Pinch - ISO (Elbow ISO)

Punch 42 TOP TRI - ISO

Fist Pistol 45 - PNR Option (Pinch N2 PNR)

Punch 25 TRI - Low Post

Punch 35 Wing TRI - Low Post

Punch 43 Base TRI - Low Post (OK)

Punch 3 Base TRI - Guard Post (Pre Action w/shuffle cut)

Punch 2 RIP - Guard Post (Pre Action w/shuffle cut)


87 ISO 1 Motion - ISO (Wing)

Fist 25 Motion High - PNR

*Quick Horns Swing 52 - PNR (DBL Stagger/Elbow/Warrior/Quick)

Fist Horns Motion 15 - PNR (Swing/Elbow/Flare/PNR)

Fist Flow 14 - PNR (DHO's/PNR's/Multiple Options)

*Fist 15 Motion - PNR (DHO/Fast)

ISO 13 Motion - PNR Option

*Fist 14 Swing - PNR Option

*Fist 35 Zipper Thru - PNR Option (Thru/Zipper/PNR)

*Fist 35 Motion Give - PNR Option

Fist Euro 15 Flow - PNR Option (PIN/DHO/PIN/PNR)

ISO 13 Motion - PNR Option

**Punch Zipper Fist 15 - Low Post

*Punch 5 RIP Give - Low Post (DHO/Swing/RIP/High Laker Cut)

Punch 5 RIP X 25 - Low Post

Punch 15 Motion Give - Low Post (Swing/DHO/Pin/Post)

**Give 52 Swing Quick - DHO (DHO/PNR-Options/Fast)

Give Motion 42 - DHO (PNP/PNR)

Give 41 Motion - DHO (Elbow/DHO)

Quick Horns Motion 3 Up - Mid

Quick Swing Motion - 3 Pt. (Multiple Options)

**Quick Swing Motion - 3 Pt.

*Quick 3 RIP Swing - 3 Pt.

Quick 3 Punch Motion - 3 pt.

Quick 1 Swing - 3 pt. (Options)

*Quick Thru 2 Swing - 3 pt.

*Quick 3 Zipper 4 Up - 3 pt.


Fist Flow 14 - PNR (DHO's/PNR's/Multiple Options)

Fist 35 Flow - PNR (PIN/PNR)

Fist Euro 15 Flow - PNR Option (PIN/DHO/PIN/PNR)

Punch 35 Flow - Low Post


Fist 5 Down 4 CNR - PNR (Big in CNR)

Fist 15 Out - PNFade 3 Pt.

Fist 19 Up - PNFade 3 Pt.

Fist 19 DBL - PNFade 3 Pt.

Fist 5 Up Horns - PNFade 3 Pt.

Fist 4 Up STS - PNFade 3 Pt. (Running Screen)

06 Fist 15 - PNR Option (Big in CNR)

*Fist Euro 4 Lift - PNR Option (Big in CNR)

*08 Punch 15 Fist - Low Post (Top Key 3/High/Low)

Punch 45 Fist - Low Post

71 High 45 - High Post

06 High 4 Swing - High Post

90 High Spread 4 - High Post

High 41 Fist - High Post

Give 43 Horns - DHO

*Quick 14 RIP - 3 Pt.

89 Quick 45 Box - 3 Pt.

Quick 4 Snap Horns - 3 Pt.

Quick 4 Wide DBL - 3 Pt.

*Quick 3 Zipper 4 Up - 3 pt.

Quick 4 Horns Flare - 3 Pt.


Fist 25 Quick Swing - PNR Option

90 Fist 14 Spread - PNR Option

98 Fist 4 Short - PNR Option

*08 Punch 15 Fist - Low Post (Top Key 3/High/Low)

Punch 45 X - Low Post (High/Low)

04 Punch 15 - Low Post

98 Punch 2 RIP - Low Post

Punch 5 Horns Fist - Low Post (High/Low)

04 Punch Hawk 25 - Low Post

90 Punch 25 Chin - Low Post

98 Punch 25 Swing - Low Post

Punch 35 Fist - Low Post

High Fist 91 - High Post


*Fist 4 Out Spread - PNR Mid - (Mid PNP)

*High 91 Fist - High Post - (Mid PNP)

High Fist 91 - High Post - (Mid PNP)

Quick 4 Horns Flare - 3 Pt.

Fist 15 Out - PNFade 3 Pt.

Fist 19 Up - PNFade 3 Pt.

Fist 19 DBL - PNFade 3 Pt.

Fist 5 Up Horns - PNFade 3 Pt.

Fist 4 Up STS - PNFade 3 Pt. (Running Screen)


Quick Side 2 DBL "3" - 3 Pt. (Elevator)

Quick ".2" Side 13 "3" - 3 Pt. (Corner or Top Key Options)

*Quick Side RIP 2 "3" - 3 Pt. (PNR/DBL Stagger)

**Quick Side Hammer "3" - 3 Pt. (Options/Flare/Hammer/Flare)



1. ISO 2 Pinch End - ISO

2. ISO 1 Angle - ISO

3. ISO Pinch - ISO

4. ISO 1 Slip - ISO

5. ISO 1 Base TRI - ISO

6. Fist 15 Horns Alley - PNR

7. 98 Fist 14 - PNR

8. Punch 5 Fist 91 STS - PNR

9. Fist 15 Wide - PNR

10. Fist Horns Flip 53 - PNR

11. Fist 4 Out Spread - PNR Mid

12. Fist 4 Side Out - PNR Mid

13. Fist 25 Quick Swing - PNR Option

14. Fist Swing 34 - PNR Option

15. Punch 4 - Low Post

16. Punch 15 Spread - Low Post

17. Punch 15 Spread Fist - Low Post

18. Punch 5 Horns Fist - Low Post (High/Low)

19. Punch 35 Fist - Low Post

20. Punch Strong 15 - Low Post

21. Punch 25 High - Low Post

22. Punch 45X - Low Post (High/Low)

23. Punch 5 - Low Post

24. 90 Punch 25 Chin - Low Post

25. Punch 25 TRI - Low Post

26. High Fist 91 - High Post

27. High 2 Quick - High Post

28. 90 High Spread 4 - High Post

29. Punch 3 Base TRI - Guard Post

30. Punch 2 RIP - Guard Post

31. Punch 13 Curl - Guard Post

32. Give Swing - DHO

33. Give Horns Flip 1 - DHO

34. 89 Quick 12 Thru - Mid

35. 88 Quick 13 Box - Mid

36. 90 Quick Flex - Mid

37. Quick Thru 2 Swing - Mid

38. Quick Flex Motion - Mid

39. Quick Horns Motion 3 Up - Mid

40. Quick Horns 42 - Mid

41. Quick 23 Motion - Mid

42. Quick Punch 52 - 3 Pt.

43. Quick 2 Punch Flare - 3 Pt.

44. Quick 3 Scissor - 3 Pt.

45. Quick 3 Horns Flex - 3 Pt.

46. Quick 3 Punch Motion - 3 Pt.

47. Quick Zipper 3 - 3 Pt.

48. Quick 3 Horns Fade - 3 Pt.

49. Quick 3 RIP Floppy - 3 Pt.

50. Quick Horns 2 Flip - 3 Pt.


1. 08 ISO 3 Fist - ISO

2. 90 ISO 4 RIP - ISO

3. 90 ISO Quick 12 - ISO

4. Fist 15 Horns Alley - PNR

5. Fist 19 - PNR

6. Fist 15 Wide - PNR

7. Punch 5 Fist 91 STS - PNR

8. Fist 91 Swing DBL - PNR

9. Fist 4 Out Spread - PNR Mid

10. Fist 4 Side Out - PNR Mid

11. Fist Euro 91 Side - PNR Mid

12. Fist 92 Side - PNFade 3 Pt.

13. Fist 92 Loop - PNR Option

14. Fist Loop 24 - PNR Option

15. Punch 4 - Low Post

16. 08 Punch 15 Fist - Low Post

17. 90 Punch 25 Chin - Low Post

18. Punch 5 Horns Fist - Low Post (High/Low)

19. Punch 14 Dive - Low Post

20. Punch 4 Floppy - Low Post

21. Punch 45X - High Post (High/Low)

22. Punch 4 RIP Hammer - Low Post

23. Punch Strong 15 - Low Post

24. High Fist 91 - High Post

25. 06 High 4 Swing - High Post

26. High 4 - High Post

27. Punch 2 RIP - Guard Post

28. Punch 3 ISO - Guard Post

29. Cut 24 Chin - Cutter

30. 04 Cut 42 Zipper - Cutter

31. Cut Horns Flex - Cutter

32. 08 Quick 3 Fist - Mid

33. 89 Quick 12 Thru - Mid

34. 88 Quick 13 Box - Mid

35. 90 Quick 2 Give 41 - Mid

36. Quick RIP 4 Flare - Mid

37. 90 Quick 53 Fist - Mid

38. Quick Thru 2 Swing - Mid

39. Floppy 2 Chin - 3 Pt.

40. Quick 3 STS Flare - 3 Pt

41. Quick 2 Floppy High - 3 Pt.

42. 90 Quick Fist 53 - 3 Pt.

43. Quick 2 Floppy Horns - 3 Pt.

44. Floppy Fist - 3 Pt.

45. Quick 2 Circle - 3 Pt.

46. Quick 3 Horns Flex - 3 Pt.

47. Floppy 74 Quick - 3 Pt.

48. 90 Quick 3 - 3 Pt.

49. Floppy 3 RIP - 3 Pt.

50. Quick Zipper 3 - 3 Pt.


1. ISO 2 Floppy - ISO

2. ISO 2 Punch End - ISO

3. Fist 15 Horns Alley - PNR

4. Fist 19 - PNR

5. Fist 19 Swing DBL - PNR

6. Punch 5 Fist 91 STS - PNR

7. Fist 15 Wide - PNR

8. Fist 4 Out Spread - PNR Mid

9. Fist 4 Side Out - PNR Mid

10. 06 Fist 12 Spread - PNFde 3 Pt.

11. 06 Fist 35 Give - PNFade 3 Pt.

12. 06 Fist 14 Spread - PNR Option

13. 06 Fist 4 Short - PNR Option

14. 06 Fist 35 RIP - PNR Option

15. Punch 4 - Low Post

16. Punch 15 Spread - Low Post

17. Punch 15 Spread Fist - Low Post

18. Punch 24 Fist - Low Post

19. Punch 45 Fist - Low Post

20. Punch 15 Fist - Low Post

21. Punch 4 Floppy - Low Post

22. Punch 4 RIP 2 - Low Post

23. Punch 4 RIP Hammer - Low Post

24. High Fist 91 - High Post

25. 06 High 4 Swing - High Post

26. High 4 Fist - High Post

27. High 4 - High Post

28. 72 Cut 15 Alley - Cutter

29. 94 Cut 14 Alley - Cutter

30. Cut 23 - Cutter

31. Give Horns Flip 1 - DHO

32. Give 31 Horns Quick - DHOG

33. Give Swing - DHO

34. Give 52 Motion - DHO

35. Quick Thru 2 Swing - Mid

36. 01 Give 32 - Mid (Weave)

37. Quick RIP 4 Flare - Mid

38. 89 Quick 12 Thru - Mid

39. 88 Quick 13 Box - Mid

40. 06 Horns Option - Mid

41. 06 Quick 12 - Mid

42. 06 Quick 13 - Mid

43. Floppy 2 Chin - 3 Pt.

44. Quick 1 Elevator - 3 Pt.

45. Quick 2 Hawk - 3 Pt.

46. Quick 3 Horns Away - 3 Pt.

47. Floppy 74 Quick - 3 Pt.

48. Quick 1 Elevator RIP - 3 Pt.

49. Quick 1 Swing - 3 Pt.

50. Quick Zipper 3 - 3 Pt.


1. Fist 15 Horns Alley - PNR

2. Fist 5 Out STS - PNR

3. Fist 15 Wide - PNR

4. Fist 4 Out Spread - PNR Mid

5. 03 Fist 14 Spread - PNR Option

6. 04 Fist 15 Short - PNR Option

7. Fist 92 Loop -PNR Option

8. Fist Zipper - PNR Option

9. Fist Loop 24 - PNR Option

10. Punch 4 - Low Post

11. Punch 15 Spread - Low Post

12. 04 Punch 14 Zipper - Low Post

13. Punch 5 Horns Fist - Low Post (High/Low)

14. Punch 4 Floppy - Low Post

15. 90 Punch 25 Chin - Low Post

16. Punch 35 Fist - Low Post

17. Punch 45X - Low Post (High/Low)

18. Punch Strong 15 - Low Post

19. High 41 Fist - High Post

20. 06 High 4 Swing - High Post

21. 90 High Spread 4 - High Post

22. High 4 - High Post

23. 04 Punch 1 Go - Guard Post

24. 04 Punch 13 - Guard Post

25. 04 Cut 42 Zipper - Cutter

26. Cut 24 Chin - Cutter

27. 72 Cut 15 Alley - Cutter

28. Give 43 Horns - DHO

29. Give Horns Flip 1 - DHO

30. Floppy 2 - Mid

31. Quick RIP 4 Flare - Mid

32. Quick Thru 2 Swing - Mid

33. 04 Floppy - Mid

34. 89 Quick 12 Thru - Mid

35. 88 Quick 13 Box - Mid

36. 01 Give 32 - Mid (Weave)

37. Quick Horns Motion 3 Up - Mid

38. Floppy 2 Chin - 3 Pt.

39. Floppy Fist - 3 Pt.

40. Quick 2 Circle - 3 Pt.

41. Quick 4 Horns Flare - 3 Pt.

42. Quick 2 Floppy Horns - 3 Pt.

43. Quick 2 Floppy High - 3 Pt.

44. Quick 2 Floppy High End- 3 Pt.

45. Quick Zipper 3 - 3 Pt.

46. Floppy 3 RIP - 3 Pt.

47. Quick 4 STS - 3 Pt.

48. Quick 4 Slip - 3 Pt.

49. Quick 4 Snap Horns - 3 Pt.

50. Quick 14 Rip - 3 Pt.


01-02 Sacramento Kings

1. 85 ISO 3 Hawk - ISO

2. 87 ISO 1 Motion - ISO

3. Fist 15 Horns Alley - PNR

4. Fist 15 Wide - PNR

5. Fist Horns Motion 15 - PNR

6. Fist 4 Out Spread - PNR Mid

7. Fist 4 Side Out - PNR Mid

8. Fist Euro 91 Side - PNR Mid

9. Fist 81 Out - PNFade 3 Pt.

10. Fist 71 Up STS - PNFade 3 Pt.

11. Fist 19 Up - PNFade 3 Pt.

12. Fist 4 Slip Wide - PNFade 3 Pt.

13. 06 Fist 15 - PNR Option

14. Fist Swing 34 - PNR Option

15. Punch 4 - Low Post

16. Punch 15 Spread - Low Post

17. 90 Punch 25 Chin - Low Post

18. 08 Punch 15 Fist - Low Post (High/Low)

19. Punch 14 Dive - Low Post

20. Punch 25 High - Low Post

21. Punch 35 Fist - Low Post

22. Punch 5 Horns Fist - Low Post (High/Low)

23. Punch 4 Floppy - Low Post

24. Punch Strong 15 - Low Post

25. Punch 4 Rip Hammer - Low Post

26. Punch 45X - Low Post (High/Low)

27. Punch 25 TRI - Low Post

28. High Fist 91 - High Post

29. 90 High Spread 4 - High Post

30. High 4 - High Post

31. High 41 Fist - High Post

32. Punch 3 Base TRI - Guard Post

33. Punch 3 ISO - Guard Post

34. 04 Cut 42 Zipper - Cutter

35. Cut 24 Chin - Cutter

36. Cut Horns Flex - Cutter

37. 90 Quick 2 Give 41 - Mid

38. 90 Quick 53 Fist - Mid

39. 89 Quick 12 Thru - Mid

40. 88 Quick 13 Box - Mid

41. Quick Horns Motion 3 Up - Mid

42. 87 Quick 52 - Mid

43. 90 Quick Flex - Mid

44. Quick 3 Punch Motion - 3 Pt.

45. Quick 3 Scissor - 3 Pt.

46. Quick 14 RIP - 3 Pt.

47. Quick 52 Punch - 3 Pt.

48. Quick 3 Horns Flex - 3 Pt.

49. Floppy 2 Chin - 3 Pt.

50. 85 Quick 1 DBL - 3 Pt.


1. Punch 42 Top TRI - ISO

2. 87 ISO 1 Motion - ISO

3. High 24 Base TRI - ISO

4. ISO 3 Wing TRI - ISO

5. ISO Pinch - ISO

6. Fist 15 Horns Alley - PNR

7. Fist 15 CNR - PNR

8. Fist 15 Slip Alley - PNR

9. Fist 4 Out Spread - PNR Mid

10. Fist 25 Base TRI - PNR Option

11. Fist 24 Top TRI - PNR Option

12. 90 Fist 14 Spread - PNR Option

13. Fist 25 Quick Swing - PNR Option

14. Punch 4 - Low Post

15. 98 Punch 25 - Low Post

16. 90 Punch 25 Chin - Low Post

17. Punch 45X - Low Post (High/Low)

18. Punch 25 TRI - Low Post

19. Punch 25 High - Low Post

20. Punch 15 Spread - Low Post

21. Punch 5 Horns Fist - Low Post (High/Low)

22. Punch 3 Wing TRI 2 - Low Post

23. Punch 43 Base TRI - Low Post

24. Punch 35 Wing TRI - Low Post

25. Punch Strong 15 - Low Post

26. High 15 CNR - High Post

27. High 24 Wing TRI - High Post

28. Punch 3 Iso - Guard Post

29. Punch 2 RIP - Guard Post

30. Punch 3 Base TRI - Guard Post

31. Cut 24 Chin - Cutter

32. 72 Cut 15 Alley - Cutter

33. Give Motion 42 - DHO

34. Give Swing - DHO

35. Give Pistol 51 - DHO

36. Quick CNR 4 RIP - Mid

37. Quick Thru 2 Swing - Mid

38. Quick Flex Motion - Mid

39. Quick Horns 42 - Mid

40. 01 Give 32 - Mid

41. Quick Horns Motion 3 Up - Mid

42. 89 Quick 12 Thru - Mid

43. Quick Punch 52 - 3 Pt.

44. Quick 3 Horns Flex - 3 Pt.

45. Quick CNR Give 23 - 3 Pt.

46. Quick 2 Hammer RIP - 3 Pt.

47. Quick 2 Punch Flare - 3 Pt.

48. Quick 2 Base TRI - 3 Pt.

49. Quick 42 Horns - 3 Pt.

50. Quick 3 Scissor - 3 Pt.

01-02 76人

1. ISO 2 Quick 32 - ISO

2. ISO 2 Side - ISO

3. ISO Go - ISO

4. ISO 52 Horns Give - ISO

5. Fist 15 Horns Alley - PNR

6. Fist 51 Loop - PNR

7. Fist 91 Zipper - PNR

8. 01 Fist 25 Quick 2 - PNR

9. Fist 15 Wide - PNR

10. Fist Zipper 24 Out - PNR Mid

11. Fist 4 Out Spread - PNR Mid

12. Fist 92 Loop - PNR Option

13. Fist Loop - PNR Option

14. Fist 24 Zipper - PNR Option

15. Fist Zipper - PNR Option

16. Fist Swing 34 - PNR Option

17. Punch 4 - Low Post

18. Punch 15 Spread Fist - Low Post

19. 90 Punch 25 Chin - Low Post

20. Punch Strong 15 - Low Post

21. Punch 5 Horns Fist - Low Post (High/Low)

22. Punch 35 Fist - Low Post

23. Punch Swing - Low Post

24. Punch RIP 4 - Low Post

25. High 4 Fist - High Post

26. 06 High 4 Swing - High Post

27. 90 high 34 - High Post

28. Punch 2 RIP - Guard Post

29. Punch 1 Go - Guard Post

30. 04 Cut 42 Zipper - Cutter

31. Cut 24 Chin - Cutter

32. Cut Horns Flex - Cutter

33. Quick RIP 4 Flare - Mid

34. 01 Give 32 - Mid (Weave)

35. 89 Quick 12 Thru - Mid

36. Quick Thru 2 Swing - Mid

37. Quick Horns 42 - Mid

38. 88 Quick 13 Box - Mid

39. Floppy 2 Chin - 3 Pt.

40. Floppy Fist - 3 Pt.

41. Quick 2 Circle - 3 Pt.

42. Quick 2 Floppy High - 3 Pt.

43. Quick 2 Zip Hammer - 3 pt.

44. Quick 2 Floppy Horns - 3 Pt.

45. Quick 2 Floppy High End - 3 pt.

46. Floppy 74 Quick - 3 pt.

47. Quick Punch 52 - 3 pt.

48. Quick Zipper 3 - 3 Pt.

49. 94 Quick 3 Up 2 - 3 Pt.

50. Quick 2 X 3 - 3 pt.


1. ISO 1 Go - ISO

2. ISO 1 Angle - ISO

3. ISO 12 - ISO

4. Fist 5 Down 4 CNR - PNR

5. Fist 5 Out STS - PNR

6. 06 Fist 35 Give - PNFade 3 Pt.

7. Fist 19 - PNR

8. Fist 4 Out STS - PNFade 3 Pt.

9. Fist 25 Quick Swing - PNR Option

10. Fist 52 Dive 4 Out - PNR Option

11. Fist 92 Loop - PNR Option

12. Fist 19 Up - PNFade 3 Pt.

13. Fist 61 - PNR Option

14. Fist 15 DBL Pin - PNR Option

15. Fist 35 Horns Quick - PNR Option

16. Fist 25 Clear - PNR Option

17. Fist 4 Out Spread - PNR Mid

18. 06 Fist 15 - PNR Option

19. Punch 5 Flare RIP - Low Post

20. Punch Zipper Fist 15 - Low Post

21. 08 Punch 15 Fist - Low Post

22. Punch 45 Elbow RIP - Low Post

23. Punch Thru - Low Post

24. High 91 Fist - High Post

25. Punch 3 Base TRI - Guard Post

26. Punch 12 Spread - Guard Post

27. Punch 3 ISO - Guard Post

28. Give Horns Flip 1 - DHO

29. Give Horns 42 Away - DHO

30. Give Zipper 51 - DHO

31. Give 51 High - DHO

32. Give 43 Horns - DHO

33. Give Swing - DHO

34. Give 31 5 Out - DHO

35. Quick Thru 2 Swing - Mid

36. Quick Horns 42 - Mid

37. 88 Quick 13 Box - Mid

38. Quick RIP 4 Flare - Mid

39. Quick Swing 21 RIP - 3 Pt.

40. Quick 1 Elevator RIP - 3 Pt.

41. Quick 31 Give 12 - 3 Pt.

42. Quick 3 Up Fist - 3 Pt.

43. Quick 2 Flare - 3 Pt.

44. Quick 3 Elevator CNR - 3 Pt.

45. Quick 3 Horns Flex - 3 Pt.

46. Quick 12 Dive 51 Give - 3 Pt.

47. Quick 2 Floppy High - 3 Pt.

48. Quick 2 Loop Flow - 3 pt.

49. Quick Zipper 3 - 3 Pt.

50. Quick 3 Scissor - 3 Pt.


1. ISO 1 Go - ISO

2. ISO 1 Angle - ISO

3. ISO 32 Quick - ISO

4. Fist 5 Down 4 CNR - PNR

5. 06 Fist 35 Give - PNFade 3 Pt.

6. Fist 4 Out Spread - PNR Mid

7. Fist 19 - PNR

8. Quick Horns Swing 52 - PNR

9. Fist Pistol 45 - PNR Option

10. Fist 25 5 Out - PNR

11. 06 Fist 15 - PNR Option

12. Fist 15 Side High - PNR Option

13. Fist 5 Up Horns - PNFade 3 Pt.

14. Fist 25 Quick Swing - PNR Option

15. Fist 25 Quick - PNR

16. Fist 15 Out - PNFade 3 Pt.

17. Fist 52 Dive 4 Out - PNR Option

18. Fist 15 DBL Pin - PNR Option

19. Fist 19 Up - PNFade 3 Pt.

20. Punch Thru - Low Post

21. Punch 45 Elbow RIP - Low Post

22. Punch Horns RIP 3 - Low Post (Flex)

23. 08 Punch 15 Fist - Low Post

24. Punch Zipper Fist 15 - Low Post

25. High 91 Fist- High Post

26. 71 High 45 - High Post

27. High 2 Quick - High Post

28. High 4 Up - High Post

29. Punch 3 Base TRI - Guard Post

30. Punch 3 ISO - Guard Post

31. Punch Loop 43 - Guard Post

32. Give 53 CNR - DHO

33. 87 35 Give - DHO (Elbow)

34. Give 43 Horns - DHO

35. Give Swing - DHO

36. Give Motion 42 - DHO

37. Give Horns 42 Away - DHO

38. Quick Horns Motion 3 Up - Mid

39. Quick 43 DBL - Mid

40. Quick Horns 42 - Mid

41. 88 Quick 13 Box - Mid

42. Floppy - 3 pt.

43. Quick 3 Horns Flex - 3 Pt.

44. Quick 1 Fist Horns - 3 pt.

45. Quick 3 Zipper 4 Up - 3 pt.

46. Quick 1 Horns - 3 Pt. (Warrior Action)

47. Quick Swing Motion - 3 Pt.

48. Fist Horns 52 - 3 Pt (Elbow/DHO/PNR)

49. Quick 4 Horns Flare - 3 Pt.

50. Quick 1 Flex - 3 Pt.

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