天天动画片 > 八卦谈 > 【RA3】首次体验汲取光束吸自己人的可不是重工——铁锤坦克设定&语音


八卦谈 佚名 2024-03-06 20:25:31


  • 85mm自动装填坦克炮

  • TS1“沙皇”汲取光束

  • 全适配副武器接口

  • 全镀钢腔装甲

  • 气冷弹药舱

    正如历史上科学的许多发现一样,TS1 "Tsarsky"汲取光束的发现也纯属意外。阿尔汉格尔斯克坦克工厂的科学家在研究天启的磁力鱼叉时意外发现,如果将牵引光束集中并加快频率,磁力鱼叉就能将金属物件撕成一片片的(该发现险些拆了19号楼)。铁锤坦克装上最终成品后如虎再添两翼:其一是通过复校准磁力场,载具的碎片可以熔铸进铁锤坦克装甲薄弱的区域,只要在作战中使用汲取光束,就能够大幅提高铁锤坦克的抗击打能力。其二是如果在目标载具被摧毁的瞬间增幅光束,就能将一整套武器完好无损地吸过来。借助苏联在量产军械上的技术进步,工程师们设计了一种多用武器接口,装配在铁锤炮台的左侧,几乎能与任何武器结合。由于铁锤坦克能窃取几乎任何装甲载具的武器,同时也能在交火中修复几乎任何损伤,因而苏联军中的其他多数位同功能多样的铁锤坦克一比,马上就相形见绌了。

战场笔记: 通过战地侦察,已获悉铁锤坦克至少具有以下几个特征: 

  • 备战以待敌——铁锤是当之无愧的主战坦克。坐在驾驶舱内,坦克手免遭轻武器和小口径火炮的攻击,就能集中火力攻击对方的载具。铁锤坦克仅靠很小的代价就取得了火力和速度的中庸,苏联现已流水线生产该坦克。

  • 一码归一码——铁锤的85mm坦克炮对付步兵之类的小型单位不太有效,当然,也完全不能对空。这意味着反装甲步兵和空军对铁锤坦克极具威胁,这也是为什么多数指挥官会命令铁锤坦克与像镰刀、牛蛙这样的支援载具一同行动,尤其是镰刀,和铁锤简直是天造地设的一对。

  • 功能多适配——汲取光束赋予了铁锤坦克独一无二的使用灵活性。由于汲取光束威力不如主炮,肢解敌方载具所需时间当然也更久些,但合理运用则可以让铁锤坦克获得反步兵或者对空能力,弥补常规境况下的弱项。此外,汲取光束还能在战斗中修复损伤,训练有素的铁锤坦克师只需远离主战场,以无武装车辆作盾,并充分利用汲取光束的超长射程,就能击败远超其规模的军队。受损坦克进出火线的训练便是人们所说的“战斗Barynya”(Barynya是一种俄罗斯民间舞蹈)。有几个师团甚至还给这些舞蹈写了抒情的小曲儿,不过大多数都不适合出版。

  • 准备作碾压——虽说铁锤坦克的主炮不适合攻击步兵,但坦克的移速和重量足以碾平这些小小的威胁。这是一种很瘆人的自卫手段,有流言称许多坦克手对此战术津津乐道,那大概就只是谣传罢了。

Designation: Anti-Armor tank

Manufacturer: Arkhangelsk tank Plant

National Origin: U.S.S.R.

Mass-Produced at: Soviet War FactoryKey Features:

» 85 mm autoloading cannon

» TS1 "Tsarsky" Leech-Beam

» One-size-fits-all auxiliary weapons port

» Integral steel-cavity armor plating

» Air-cooled ammo storage



In a lonely corner of the sprawling Arkhangelsk tank Plant sits Building 19, a large gray monolith whose only notable feature is a pair of oversized hangar-style doors emblazoned with the building's number. Perhaps it is fitting that the backbone of the Soviet armored corps, the so-called Hammer main battle tank, would be built in such an austere setting. The Hammer tank is truly a utilitarian weapon built to adapt well to unpredictable battlefield conditions. And to the Soviet military and the nation's people, it is not a weapon at all, but a tool, as its name suggests.


The Hammer's outward appearance is unmistakably Soviet . The blocky hard-angled chassis, the aggressive exposed treads, and the bulky cockpit are reminiscent of earlier Soviet battle tanks. However, the offset cannon and the unusual-looking protuberance in the front of the vehicle do set it apart from earlier models. The Hammer's heavy armor plating protects its crew from all but the heaviest concussive impacts. At the same time, its standard 85 mm autoloading cannon is a proven anti-vehicle weapon, offering excellent rates of fire and lower chances of ammunition accidents. One might expect the turret to spin wildly each time the cannon fires, but a complex recoil-management-and-stabilization system redirects the kick of the gun and keeps the gunner on target through multiple shots. Surprisingly, this technology was "off-the-shelf", being based heavily on the stabilization system used to keep Sickles and Terror Drones upright, modified to handle the explosive force of firing the cannon. Had a solution not been readily available, however, the design team would have created one from scratch, because the offset of the cannon was a critical part of the Hammer tank?s most astounding innovation.



Symbol of the Soviet War Machine, the Hammer tank is one of the most self-sufficient and ruggedly built components of the Union’s vast military arsenal.



Like many discoveries throughout the annals of scientific history, the invention of the TS1 "Tsarsky" Leech-Beam was purely accidental. Arkhangelsk scientists researching magnetic harpoon technology for the Apocalypse project were surprised to find that concentrating the tractor beam and increasing the frequency allowed the device to literally rip metal objects apart (a discovery which nearly caused the collapse of Building 19). The resulting weapon granted two significant boons to the already-impressive Hammer. First, by re-calibrating the magnetic field, segments of shorn vehicular debris could be melded to weak sections of the Hammer's armor, effectively regenerating hull strength in the midst of a battle while the beam was active. Second, by increasing the amplitude at the time of the vehicle's destruction, entire weapons could be incised from the enemy with little to no damage to the weapon itself. Using advancements in Soviet mass production capabilities, Soviet engineers devised a multifunctional weapon interface mounted on the left side of the turret, allowing nearly any weapon to be re-attached. Given its ability to simply steal the armaments of nearly any armed vehicle while patching up any damage sustained in battle, the sheer versatility of the Hammer eclipses that of nearly any other unit in the Soviet arsenal.



The Hammer’s remarkable Leech-Beam functionally allows it to remain battle-worthy through prolonged engagements and get its crew back in one piece.



Even with such an advanced weapon system, the Hammer tank's image is not nearly as glamorized as that of other Soviet weapon systems, such as its larger sibling the Apocalypse. Regardless, the workers in Building 19 take great pride in their creations. They must realize that the Hammer tank represents the core of Soviet military strength, and their calm determination and commitment shows in the final product, for which every Hammer crew is thankful. So say the official sources, which have made no comments on accusations that some Hammer crews have increasingly shown thuglike, callous behavior in the field, perhaps as a result of wielding such a powerful device on the frontlines of their Motherland's many battlefields.



Battlefield reconnaissance has revealed at least these facts about the Hammer tank:


• Ready for Battle -- The Hammer is a true main battle tank. Hammer crews are well-protected from small arms and light cannon fire while they lay waste to enemy vehicles. Hammer tanks offer a fine balance of power and speed for a low cost, now that the Soviets have streamlined their production.



• Pound for pound -- The Hammer's 85 mm cannon cannot effectively target smaller enemies such as infantry and is of course unable to target aircraft at all. This means that anti-armor infantry and aircraft pose a real threat to Hammer tanks, which is why most commanders use them together with support units such as Sickles and Bullfrogs. The Sickle, in particular, naturally complements the Hammer tank.



• Adaptable -- The Leech-Beam gives the Hammer a degree of flexibility not found in other main battle tanks. While it of course takes longer to dispatch enemy vehicles than the main cannon, deliberate use of the Leech-Beam can cause the Hammer to gain anti-infantry or anti-aircraft capabilities it normally lacks. Additionally, the ability to regenerate hull strength while in combat has allowed well-trained Soviet Hammer divisions to defeat much larger forces, simply by retreating behind a the main battle line to use the beam's significant range while unharmed vehicles draw fire instead. The practice of shuffling damaged tanks into and out of the line of fire has become known as the "Battle Barynya," with some divisions going so far as to compose lyrics for the dance, most of them unsuitable for print.



• Ready to Crush -- Although the Hammer's main gun is normally ill-suited against infantry, the tank is sufficiently fast and heavy enough to simply roll over smaller threats. As this is a rather gruesome mode of defense, rumors that many Hammer crews relish in this particular tactic are unlikely to be true.


PS:找了个hangar-style door(机库门),但应该是比较浮夸的那种← ←

本文标题:【RA3】首次体验汲取光束吸自己人的可不是重工——铁锤坦克设定&语音 - 八卦谈
