天天动画片 > 八卦谈 > 美国政府机构分支:三权分立


八卦谈 佚名 2022-11-20 10:11:30

The US government relies on a system called “federalism”, which means that the federal government shares power with the states. Three equal and separate branches are checked and balanced by one another in the US government: the legislative, the executive, and the judicial.


1. The Legislative Branch---Congress

Congress is the legislative branch responsible for creating laws. It consists of two sections: the House of Representatives and the Senate.(The House of Representatives is often referred to as The House for short.)  

国会美国立法机构,主要负责法律的制定与修改。美国国会由两院组成:众议院和参议院。注:众议院The House of Representatives 英文简称:the House

The House of Representatives has 435 officers who serve for a term of two years. Membership in this chamber is based on population to represent the citizens. Each of the 50 states receives a minimum of one representative in the House. Therefore, a heavily populated state, like California, has more representatives than a sparsely populated state, like Alaska.The House also has six non-voting members from the District of Columbia and other five US territories. The speaker of the House, is the political and parliamentary leader of the House of Representatives, and second in the United States presidential line of succession after the vice president. 


The Senate has 100 voting members to represent the interests of the 50 states.  Every state gets two seats no matter how large or small it is. That assures the small states having an equal voice in the Senate. The Senators serve a 6-year term that overlap, with one third being elected every two years. The leader of this house is also the Vice-president of the United States. He may vote when in the event of a tie in the Senate.


The main duty of Congress is to make laws and the two houses are fundamentally equal in legislative roles and functions. The House of Representative initiates all revenue bills and impeaches federal officers. While the Senate has powers of advice and consent which are unique to it, including the approval of treaties, and the confirmation of president nomination. The legislative process is very complicated in the US Congress. For a bill to become an act, several versions of the text must be discussed and revised, and must pass through in both houses with a majority before presenting to the president.


When a bill is proposed by legislators in the House, it will be referred to a sub-committee which are formed by expertise on special subjects. The sub-committee often holds hearings, at which people who argue for or against the bill offer their written statements. After the hearings , the sub-committee members will write up the bill in formal legal language,or markup, and vote on it. If the sub-committee votes not to report the legislation to the full committee, the bill dies.


If the full committee passes the bill, it will reach the floor of the full House for consideration. Once it is passed by the House it will go to the Senate for a similar procedure. But if the bill is not favorably voted in the second house, it dies there.


In case the Senate wants to make some changes to the bill, it will go to a Conference Committee from both houses. The Committee attempts to reconcile both versions and come up with a new version called a compromise bill. The bill is lost if the two chambers still can not reach an agreement. 


Once passed by both houses in identical forms, the bill becomes an Act and is presented to the president. The president may sign it into a law or veto it within 10 days. However, if Congress really wants a bill that the president has vetoed, they can override the veto by a two thirds majority.


2. The Executive Branch---The Presidency

The executive branch enforces the laws passed by Congress. It includes the president, vice president, Cabinet and most executive department. The president heads the branch, he is leader of the federal government, and Commander-in-Chief of the United States armed forces. The president serves a four-year term and can be elected to only two terms. According to the US Constitution, if the president dies, resigns, or being removed from office, the vice president becomes a president.

行政部门负责执行国会的通过的法律, 它包括总统、副总统、内阁和其他行政部门等。总统是美国政府的行政首脑,他统领联邦政府,也是美国武装部队的总司令。根据美国宪法,总统每届任期四年,最多连任两届。如果总统去世、辞职或被免职,副总统将顺位成为总统。

The executive branch consists of 15 departments: State, Treasury, Defense, Justice, Transportation, Energy and Education, etc. The president appoints the heads and senior officials of the executive agencies, with each appointment confirmed by a vote of the Senate. The major departments of the government are headed by Secretaries who form the presidents cabinet and act as the major source of advice and assistance to the president.  


The president is the central figure in the US political system, and he has unique powers. He can propose legislation to Congress or veto any bills passed by Congress. He can influence the decision of the federal courts, having the power to nominate justices of the Supreme Court. He is also the Commander-in-chief of the armed forces.


   The president has power to manage national affairs and the working of the federal government. He can issue rules, regulations and instructions, which are called executive orders. Besides, the president is primarily responsible for foreign relations. Subject to the Senate approval, the president can appoint ambassadors and make treaties. Together with the Secretary of State, he manages the nations foreign policy .


3. The Judicial Branch---The Supreme Court

The judicial branch,or judiciary, interprets the meaning of the laws and decides if laws violate the Constitution. It is comprised of the Supreme Court and other federal courts. The Supreme Court is head of the judicial branch of the federal government. The Supreme Court consists of a chief justice (首席大法官) and eight associate justices(大法官). Federal judges are appointed for life or until voluntary retirement, and can only be removed from office through process of impeachment in Congress.


本文标题:美国政府机构分支:三权分立 - 八卦谈
